AWS Developer Tools Blog

Flexible Gem Dependencies

Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem) depends on Nokogiri and JSON. While these are robust and performant libraries, there are multiple reasons why a developer may not want to be locked into these dependencies: I might want to use pure Ruby solutions that do not require native extensions for maximum portability. […]

IAM Credential Rotation (Access Key Management for .NET Applications – Part 3)

In the previous post in this series, we talked about using IAM users instead of using the root access keys of your AWS account. In this post, we’ll talk about another security best practice, regularly rotating your credentials. Instead of rotating credentials only when keys are compromised, you should regularly rotate your credentials. If you […]

Using RSpec 3

Using RSpec 3 I have been a long time user of RSpec and many of the Ruby projects I work with use RSpec as the primary testing framework. It provides an expressive specification DSL. As you may know, RSpec 3 is currently in the works. I have blogged a few times recently about using MiniTest. […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP – Version 2.5.0

We would like to announce the release of version 2.5.0 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for audio profiles in Amazon Elastic Transcoder, geo restriction in Amazon CloudFront, and the recently announced China (Beijing) Region. Please see the official release notes or the CHANGELOG for a full list of changes. Version […]

Taste of JMX Using the AWS SDK for Java

As you may know, starting from Java 5, the JMX technology is available out-of-the-box to monitor and manage the Java VM.  It seems natural to wonder what it would be like to configure and modify the behavior of the AWS Java SDK via JMX in real time.  Imagine, for example, every configuration option related to […]

Ruby 2.0 on AWS OpsWorks

We are pleased to announce that AWS OpsWorks now supports Ruby 2.0. Simply select the Ruby version you want, your Rails stack – Passenger or Unicorn, the RubyGems version, and whether you want to use Bundler. Then deploy your app from your chosen repository – Git, Subversion, or bundles on S3. You can get started […]

New Sample Simple Workflow

When you install the SDK from our website, many samples are installed inside Visual Studio, including the Express editions of Visual Studio. Look in the New Project Wizard, where you’ll find samples showing off many of the AWS services.   We recently added a new sample that shows off using Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) […]

Resource Condition Support in the AWS CloudFormation Editor

AWS CloudFormation recently added support for conditions that control whether resources are created or what value to set for properties on resources. The CloudFormation editor included with the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio was updated to support conditions in version 1.6.1. If you have never used the CloudFormation editor, we have a screencast that gives […]

Using AWS CloudTrail in PHP – Part 2

This is part 2 of Using AWS CloudTrail in PHP. Part 1 demonstrated the basics of how to work with the CloudTrail service, including how to create a trail and turn logging on and off. Today, I want to show you how to read your log files and iterate over individual log records using the […]