AWS Developer Tools Blog

Resource Condition Support in the AWS CloudFormation Editor

AWS CloudFormation recently added support for conditions that control whether resources are created or what value to set for properties on resources. The CloudFormation editor included with the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio was updated to support conditions in version 1.6.1. If you have never used the CloudFormation editor, we have a screencast that gives […]

Using AWS CloudTrail in PHP – Part 2

This is part 2 of Using AWS CloudTrail in PHP. Part 1 demonstrated the basics of how to work with the CloudTrail service, including how to create a trail and turn logging on and off. Today, I want to show you how to read your log files and iterate over individual log records using the […]

AWS SDK for Ruby v1.30.0

Yesterday afternoon, we released a new version of the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk RubyGem) version v1.30.0. This release: Adds support for Amazon Kinesis (AWS::Kinesis::Client). Updates AWS::EMR::Client to include resource tagging and other new operations. Updates AWS::OpsWorks::Client to support resource-based permissions. Updates AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Client to support worker roles. Updates AWS::DynamoDB::Client to support global secondary indexes. You […]

AWS SDK ZF2 Module 1.2.0

We would like to announce the availability of version 1.2.0 of the AWS SDK ZF2 Module. This version includes the ability to create protocol-relative URLs with the S3 and CloudFront link view helpers.

Release: AWS SDK for PHP – Version 2.4.12

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.12 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for Amazon Kinesis, adds global secondary indexes support to the Amazon DynamoDB client, and provides several other client updates and fixes. Install the Latest SDK Composer/Packagist Download Phar Download Zip PEAR Channel GitHub

Metric Configuration in AWS SDK for Java

As we mentioned in an earlier blog, you can now enable the automatic generation of performance metrics when using the AWS SDK for Java, and have them automatically uploaded to Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring purposes. Sometimes, however, you may want to generate more fine-grained metrics, such as per-host and per-JVM metrics, that are not enabled […]

Creating Amazon DynamoDB Tables with PowerShell

Version 2.0 of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell contains new cmdlets that allow you to manage tables in Amazon DynamoDB. The cmdlets all share the same noun prefix, DDB, and can be discovered using Get-Command: PS C:> Get-Command -Module AWSPowerShell -Noun DDB* CommandType Name ModuleName ———– —- ———- Cmdlet Add-DDBIndexSchema AWSPowerShell Cmdlet Add-DDBKeySchema AWSPowerShell […]

Configuring DynamoDB Tables for Development and Production

The Object Persistence Model API in the SDK uses annotated classes to tell the SDK which table to store objects in. For example, the DyanmoDBTable attribute on the Users class below tells the SDK to store instances of the Users class into the “Users” table. [DynamoDBTable(“Users”)] public class Users { [DynamoDBHashKey] public string Id { […]

New, Simplified Method Forms in the AWS SDK for Java

We’re always looking for new ways to improve the tools our team builds, like the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. Sometimes those improvements come as brand new functionality, such as Amazon CloudWatch Metrics for the AWS SDK for Java, and sometimes they’re small tweaks to make the tools faster or […]