AWS Developer Tools Blog

Archiving and Backing-up Data with the AWS SDK for .NET

Jason Fulghum recently posted a blog entry about using Glacier with the AWS SDK for Java that I thought would be interesting for .NET developers. Here is Jason’s post with the code replaced with the C# equivalent. Do you or your company have important data that you need to archive? Have you explored Amazon Glacier […]

DynamoDB APIs

Amazon DynamoDB is a fast NoSQL database service offered by AWS. DynamoDB can be invoked from .NET applications by using the AWS SDK for .NET. The SDK provides three different models for communicating with DynamoDB. This blog post is the first of a series that describes the various APIs, their respective tradeoffs, best practices, and […]

Archiving and Backing-up Data with the AWS SDK for Java

Do you or your company have important data that you need to archive? Have you explored Amazon Glacier yet? Amazon Glacier is an extremely low-cost storage service that provides secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup. Just like with other AWS offerings, you pay only for what you use. You don’t have to […]

Wire Logging in the AWS SDK for PHP

One of the features of the AWS SDK for PHP that I often recommend to customers is the LogPlugin, that can be used to do wire logging. It is one of the many plugins included with Guzzle, which is the underlying HTTP library used by the SDK. Guzzle’s LogPlugin includes a default configuration that will […]

Release of the AWS SDK V2.0 for .NET

Today, we updated our version 2 preview of the AWS SDK for .NET. You can download version of the SDK here. This preview contains the following updates. The SDK now requires the region to be explicitly specified through the client constructor or by using the AWSRegion setting in the application’s app or web config […]

Using Elastic IP Addresses

Elastic IP addresses are great for keeping a consistent public IP address. They can also be transferred to other EC2 instances, which is useful if you need to replace an instance but don’t want your public IP address to change. The Amazon EC2 User Guide has information on IP addresses for EC2 instances that can […]

Using the SaveBehavior Configuration for the DynamoDBMapper

The high-level save API of DynamoDBMapper provides a convenient way of persisting items in an Amazon DynamoDB table. The underlying implementation uses either a PutItem request to create a new item or an UpdateItem request to edit the existing item. In order to exercise finer control over the low-level service requests, you can use a […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP – Version 2.4.7

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.7 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for audio transcoding features to the Amazon Elastic Transcoder client and updates to the Amazon CloudFront, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Auto Scaling, and AWS OpsWorks clients. Changelog Added support for audio transcoding features to the […]

Drag and Drop in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

Using drag and drop can be a great time saver when using your favorite tool, but it is not always obvious what drag and drop features are available. The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio has many drag and drop features that you might not have discovered yet. AWS Explorer to the Code Window When dragging […]

AWS at Web & PHP Con 2013

In September, I was able to attend and speak at Web & PHP Con in San Jose, CA. It was great to be around a good group of PHP developers, talk about web development and AWS, and meet new friends. Getting Good with the AWS SDK for PHP On Wednesday, September 17th, I gave a […]