AWS Developer Tools Blog

DynamoDB Session Store for Rack Applications

Today we are announcing a new RubyGem that enables your Ruby on Rails or Rack-based applications to store session data inside of Amazon DynamoDB. The gem acts as a drop-in replacement for session stores inside of Rails and can also run as a Rack middleware for non-Rails apps. You can read more about how to […]

Provision an Amazon EC2 Instance with PHP

Amazon EC2 is a powerful AWS service that includes the ability to provision on-demand servers. While you can easily do this through the AWS Management Console, in this post, I want show you how to use the AWS SDK for PHP to do it programmatically by interacting with the Amazon EC2 API. Let’s create a […]

Amazon DynamoDB Session Manager for Apache Tomcat

Today we’re excited to talk about a brand new open source project on our GitHub page for managing Apache Tomcat sessions in Amazon DynamoDB! DynamoDB’s fast and predictable performance characteristics make it a great match for handling session data. Plus, since it’s a fully-managed NoSQL database service, you avoid all the work of maintaining and […]

Scripting your EC2 Windows fleet using Windows PowerShell and Windows Remote Management

Today we have a guest post by one of our AWS Solutions Architects, James Saull, discussing how to take advantage of Windows PowerShell and Windows Remote Management (WinRM) to script your Windows fleet. One of the advantages of using AWS is on-demand access to an elastic fleet of machines—continuously adjusting in response to demand and […]

Release of the AWS SDK V2.0 for .NET

We have just released a new version of the AWS SDK V2.0 for .NET. You can download version of the SDK here. This release adds support for Amazon SNS mobile push notifications and fixes an issue with uploading large objects to Amazon S3 using the .NET 4.5 Framework version of the SDK. Please let […]

AWS SDK for Ruby v1.15.0

Yesterday morning, we released a new version of the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem). This release adds mobile push support for Amazon Simple Notification Service. The release also includes API updates for Amazon Redshift, adding snapshot identifiers to the AWS::Redshift::Client#copy_cluster_snapshot and AWS::Redshift::Client#delete_cluster_snapshot operations, and enabling better status reporting for restoring from snapshots. You can […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.3

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.3 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for the Amazon Simple Notification Service mobile push API, adds progress reporting on snapshot restore operations for Amazon Redshift, and addresses an issue with directories and the Amazon S3 stream wrapper. Changelog Updated the Amazon […]

Quick Tips: Managing Amazon S3 Data in Eclipse

No matter what type of application you’re developing, it’s a safe bet that it probably needs to save or load data from a central data store, such as Amazon S3. During development, you can take advantage of the Amazon S3 management tools provided by the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, all without ever leaving your IDE. […]

Using Amazon CloudFront with ASP.NET Apps

Today, I’m going to talk about using Amazon CloudFront to boost the performance of ASP.NET web apps that are deployed to Amazon Web Services. CloudFront is a content delivery service that can cache content in edge locations across the world to give users low-latency access to static content and relieve some of the pressure from […]

Iterating through Amazon DynamoDB Results

The AWS SDK for PHP has a feature called “iterators” that allows you to retrieve an entire result set without manually handling pagination tokens or markers. The iterators in the SDK implement PHP’s Iterator interface, which allows you to easily enumerate or iterate through resources from a result set with foreach. The Amazon DynamoDB client […]