AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: .NET


We recently introduced the DynamoDBTraceListener, a System.Diagnostics TraceListener that can be used to log events straight to Amazon DynamoDB. In this post, we show how simple it is to configure the listener and how to customize the data that is being logged. Configuration You can configure the listener either through code or by using a […]

Customizing Windows Elastic Beanstalk Environments – Part 2

In the previous post in this series, we introduced the .ebextensions/*config file, and showed how you can use it to install packages, download files, run commands, and start services. In this post, we’re going to dig a little bit into managing settings through this mechanism. Writing configuration files A common way to configure software systems […]

Customizing Windows Elastic Beanstalk Environments – Part 1

AWS Elastic Beanstalk recently announced support for customizing Windows environments with configuration files. Before this, the only way to customize a .NET container was to create a custom AMI in each region you wanted to run your application in. Adding a configuration file to your application allows you to install packages write files in locations […]

Output Pagination with AWS Tools for PowerShell

Amongst the changes to the cmdlets in version 1.1 of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell are added support for both automatic and manual pagination of the output from services to the pipeline. Most of the time, you’ll probably want to use automatic paging to get all the data from a cmdlet, but on occasion […]

Instance Status Checks with the AWS SDK for .NET

A question that we have heard from our customers is, "How do we get access to the Amazon EC2 instance status checks?" If you go the AWS Management Console, you can easily see those status checks displayed. The Amazon EC2 DescribeInstanceStatus API action returns the instance status for one or more EC2 instances. This code […]

Getting the Latest Windows AMIs

More and more developers are launching the AWS base Windows AMIs and configuring them during startup. You can do this either by adding a PowerShell script to the user data field or by using an AWS CloudFormation template to configure it. We are constantly updating these base AMIs to include the latest patches. The SDK […]

Creating Access Policies in Code

AWS uses access policies to restrict access to resources. These policies are JSON documents that have statements, actions, resources, and conditions. You could use a JSON parser to create these documents in code, but a better way would be to use the AWS SDK for .NET Policy object found in the Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy namespace. This gives […]

Logging with the AWS SDK for .NET

As we announced previously, the AWS SDK for .NET now supports easily-configurable logging to both log4net and .NET’s built-in System.Diagnostics logging. In this post, we cover how to enable and configure this new functionality, and how you can easily collect performance metrics for the SDK. Both log4net and System.Diagnostics logging approaches have their own advantages […]

Welcome to the AWS SDKs and Tools .NET blog

Welcome to the AWS SDKs and Tools .NET blog. We’re glad to see you here! This blog features information for AWS .NET developers, including: Demonstrations of new features in the AWS SDK for .NET Announcements and demonstrations of new features in the AWS Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Studio and AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell Best […]