AWS DevOps Blog

Building a Microsoft BackOffice Server Solution on AWS with AWS CloudFormation

Last month, AWS released the AWS Enterprise Accelerator: Microsoft Servers on the AWS Cloud along with a deployment guide and CloudFormation template. This blog post will explain how to deploy complex Windows workloads and how AWS CloudFormation solves the problems related to server dependencies. This AWS Enterprise Accelerator solution deploys the four most requested Microsoft […]

AWS OpsWorks Endpoints Available in 11 Regions

AWS OpsWorks, a service that helps you configure and operate applications of all shapes and sizes using Chef automation, has just added support for the Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region and launched public endpoints in Frankfurt, Ireland, N. California, Oregon, Sao Paolo, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo. Previously, customers had to manage OpsWorks stacks for these regions using […]

Auto Scaling AWS OpsWorks Instances

This post will show you how to integrate Auto Scaling groups with AWS OpsWorks so you can leverage  the native scaling capabilities of Amazon EC2 and the OpsWorks Chef configuration management solution. Auto Scaling ensures you have the correct number of EC2 instances available to handle your application load.  You create collections of EC2 instances […]

How to Centrally Manage AWS Config Rules across Multiple AWS Accounts

AWS Config Rules allow you to codify policies and best practices for your organization and evaluate configuration changes to AWS resources against these policies. If you manage multiple AWS accounts, you might want to centrally govern and define these policies for all of the AWS accounts in your organization. With appropriate authorization, you can create […]

AWS CodeDeploy Deployments with HashiCorp Consul

Learn how to use AWS CodeDeploy and HashiCorp Consul together for your application deployments.  AWS CodeDeploy automates code deployments to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and on-premises servers. HashiCorp Consul is an open-source tool providing service discovery and orchestration for modern applications.  Learn how to get started by visiting the guest post on the AWS Partner Network Blog. You […]

Using Locust on AWS Elastic Beanstalk for Distributed Load Generation and Testing

AWS Elastic Beanstalk customers frequently ask how to load test their web applications running on Elastic Beanstalk. Load testing, which allows you to demonstrate and understand how the application and the underlying resources function under real-world demands, is an important part of the application development cycle. Creating tests that simulate real-world scenarios is essential. Locust, […]

Continue Rolling Back an Update for AWS CloudFormation stacks in the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state

AWS CloudFormation allows developers and systems administrators to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources (called a stack) by provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable way. In this blog post, we will describe a new feature in AWS CloudFormation that will allow continue rolling back an update in a self-service […]

Optimize AWS CloudFormation Templates

The following post is by guest blogger Julien Lépine, Solutions Architect at AWS. He explains how to optimize templates so that AWS CloudFormation quickly deploys your environments. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Customers sometimes ask me if there’s a way to optimize large AWS CloudFormation templates, which can take several minutes to deploy a stack. Often stack creation is […]

Speed Template Sharing with an AWS CloudFormation Designer URL

AWS CloudFormation Designer (Designer) is a graphic tool for creating, viewing, and modifying AWS CloudFormation templates. With Designer, you can construct templates by adding resources using a drag-and-drop interface, and then edit resource details by using the integrated JSON editor. A Designer URL is a web link that you can share with anyone that has […]