AWS DevOps Blog

Deploying MongoDB with OpsWorks

AWS OpsWorks is an application management service that makes it easy to deploy and operate applications of all shapes and sizes. OpsWorks uses Chef to install and configure software on Amazon EC2 instances and lets you automate any task that can be scripted. In this blog post, we will show a step-by-step example for how […]

Six Steps to Deploy Ghost to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Today’s post comes from Sebastien, Technical Trainer for AWS. Based in Luxembourg, he helps our customers and partners gain proficiency with AWS services and solutions. You can follow him on Twitter @sebsto. Ghost is a new and popular blogging platform based on Node.js. An open source application, Ghost aims to bring fun and creativity back to blogging. […]

Deploy, Manage, and Scale Your Apps with OpsWorks and Elastic Beanstalk

Chris Barclay and I will be talking about deploying, managing, and scaling your applications with OpsWorks and Elastic Beanstalk in a breakout session at the AWS Summit in San Francisco next week. We’ll also be at the booth to answer your CloudFormation, OpsWorks, and Elastic Beanstalk questions. For more information about the Summit, and to […]

AWS CloudFormation supports AWS OpsWorks

Today we launched the ability for AWS CloudFormation to provision and update AWS OpsWorks resources such as stacks, layers and applications. You can include both OpsWorks and other AWS resources such as Amazon VPC, Elastic Load Balancing or Amazon RDS in a single CloudFormation template. This makes it easy to document, version control, and share […]

Using OpsWorks to Configure EC2 instances

A key OpsWorks benefit is the ability to perform actions on EC2 instances in an automated and predictable manner, such as installing software, configuring RAID arrays, and managing users. Whereas in the past you might have run commands on your instance via SSH, you can now perform these tasks by using predefined scripts (called recipes) […]

CloudFormation Adds Redshift Support

Earlier this morning CloudFormation launched support for Redshift resources and extended existing support for Elastic Beanstalk resources. Amazon Redshift – You can now model a Redshift cluster configuration in a CloudFormation template file and have CloudFormation launch the cluster with a few clicks or CLI commands. The template enables you to version control, replicate, or share your […]

CloudFormation Office Hours: New Features, Building a VPC, and Live Q&A

We’re back next week with CloudFormation Office Hours at 9:00a.m. PST on Thursday, February 13th. Sign up or learn more at We’ll walk through the basics of building and managing an Amazon VPC with CloudFormation. Additionally we’ll look at top forum items, and – of course – answer your questions, live! Help Build the Agenda You […]

Customers, CloudFormation, and Custom Resources

I was at re:Invent in Las Vegas a few months ago, and my favorite part about our annual conference also happens to be what I enjoy most about my job: meeting with customers and learning not only how they use our services, but also how they would like to see them improved. One evening after […]

Join us for a CloudFormation Office Hours Hangout

We’re hosting CloudFormation Office Hours next week at 9:00a.m. PST on Thursday, January 30th and you’re invited! Sign up or learn more at  We’ll be joined by a CloudFormation software engineer to learn about authenticated file downloads in cfn-init. We’ll also look at top forum items, and – of course – answer your questions, live! Previous Sessions […]

Using DynamoDB and SNS with Elastic Beanstalk in any Supported AWS Region

It’s common for applications running on Elastic Beanstalk to use other AWS services for things like data storage, message processing, etc. In today’s blog post, let’s talk about how we would build an application that runs in Elastic Beanstalk, stores data in Amazon DynamoDB, sends notifications to the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), and can […]