AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Gregor Hohpe

Author: Gregor Hohpe

In his role as Enterprise Strategist at Amazon Web Services, Gregor advises technology leaders in the transformation of both their technology platform and their organization. Drawing on his experience as Smart Nation Fellow to the Singapore government and as Chief Architect at Allianz SE, he connects the corporate strategy with technical decision making and vice versa. He enjoys sharing his thoughts on architecture and architects in his books, including The Software Architect Elevator and Cloud Strategy.

View from a sailboat titled by the wind

Surviving Digital Disruption: Transforming Without Rebooting

Think of an industry that isn’t affected by the digital revolution in any way. One that can keep operating as it has been without any fear of disruption or need for change. When we tried this exercise at a workshop, we also couldn’t think of many. Funeral homes sprang to mind, but managing a person’s […]