AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

You Already Have the People You Need to Succeed with the Cloud

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to talk to a number of executives from a wide range of companies about their business and IT strategies. Every executive and company has their own unique set of challenges, but they all share […]

What Makes Good Leaders Great?

“It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.” -Steve Maraboli Leaders lead in many different ways. Some lead by fear, some by example, some with charisma, and some lead through others. And while every leader’s style is slightly different, experience has taught me one thing that […]

Today’s CIO on Merging Business with Technology

“Start with the end in mind.” — Stephen R. Covey In my last post, I asserted that today’s technology executive needs to play the role of the Chief Change Management Officer (CCMO™) in leading his or her organization on the Enterprise Cloud Journey. This post explores the first of three themes associated with this responsibility: merging business with […]

7 Best Practices for Your Enterprise’s Journey to the Cloud

“Life is a Journey. When we stop, things don’t go right.” -Pope Francis Last December, I wrote about cloud becoming the new normal, and that the process of meaningfully adopting cloud into an established enterprise is a Journey. This Journey is an iterative process that will take time. In my post from December, I laid out […]

Enterprise DevOps: What to Expect When You’re DevOps’ing

© Andrew Hurley “You cannot create experience, you must undergo it” -Albert Camus I’m wrapping up my DevOps in the Enterprise series with a piece on what to expect once your organization has some DevOps experience. These are just a few of the things I’ve experienced or seen in organizations that embrace automation, customer-service-oriented IT, […]

Enterprise DevOps: Why You Should Run What You Build

“You build it, you run it” -Werner Vogels It’s an all-too-common scenario: You’re spending time with your family and your phone suddenly steals your attention away. The dreaded airhorn alerts you to a SEV1 failure. Your application — one that periodically suffers from a memory leak that operations “fixed” by restarting it — is now exhausting server resources within minutes […]

Two Reasons Customer Service is Key to Enterprise DevOps

“Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” -Damon Richards Customer service is, as I outlined in my introduction to this DevOps series, one of three tenets I encourage organizations to consider when implementing a DevOps culture. Today’s world is full of technology solutions. There are a myriad of […]