AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Best Practices

Anti-Patterns for Enterprise IT

Our Enterprise Strategy team meets with many hundreds of enterprise customers every year. We are able to see patterns in their digital transformations—ways of practicing and thinking about IT that work, and ways that don’t. In this post I will discuss some of the anti-patterns we encounter—IT mental models and traditional behaviors that just don’t […]

5 Tips for Keeping Pace with AWS’s Innovation

Galapagos Islands “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” -Charles Darwin We’re constantly inventing and improving at AWS. And, while we currently offer customers more than 90 services (with many, like EC2, also providing a wide variety of sub-choices), the pace of our […]

Cloud Management Made Easier: AWS Managed Services Now Integrates with ServiceNow

Automation is good, so long as you know exactly where to put the machine. -Eliyahu Goldratt I’ve spent time with hundreds of IT executives over the past several years, many of whom are in the process of implementing cloud-first operating models in their enterprises. Among the countless things I’ve learned from these conversations, two things are […]

Tenets Provide Essential Guidance on Your Cloud Journey

“Tenet: a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true; especially: one held in common by members of an organization, movement, or profession.”– Merriam-Webster Making a large-scale transition to the cloud means that many development, operations, and security processes are no longer applicable — or, they’re dramatically altered in the cloud. For example, AWS provides programmatic […]

Empower Your Cloud Team

Every successful business transformation program I’ve been a part of has had a group of people dedicated to driving it. I’ve written a number of pieces in my e-book of cloud best practices around the role a cloud center of excellence can play in modern day transformation, and today I’m delighted to add a perspective […]

The Journey Toward Cloud-First & the Stages of Adoption

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” — Jimmy Dean In my last post, I introduced some patterns I’ve observed within large enterprises that have implemented cloud-first policies. These enterprises have reversed the burden of proof from “Why should we use cloud?” to “Why shouldn’t we […]