Category: Industries
The Convergent Evolution of Grid Computing in Financial Services
The Financial Services industry makes significant use of high performance computing (HPC) but it tends to be in the form of loosely coupled, embarrassingly parallel workloads to support risk modelling. The infrastructure tends to scale out to meet ever increasing demand as the analyses look at more and finer grained data. At AWS we’ve helped many customers tackle scaling challenges are noticing some common themes. In this post we describe how HPC teams are thinking about how they deliver compute capacity today, and highlight how we see the solutions converging for the future.
Virtual Screening of Novel Active Drug Compounds on AWS with Orion®
Computer-aided drug discovery (CADD) has been a key player in lowering the cost and speeding up the timeline for drug development. CADD uses high performance computing (HPC) resources to virtually screen databases with billions of molecules. It can speed up the searching of potential drug molecules, and filter out molecules and compounds that are unsuitable. OpenEye Scientific developed Orion®, a cloud-based molecular design platform for CADD. Orion provides computational chemists with virtually unlimited HPC resources. These include data visualization, collaboration, and workflow management tools that help them perform calculations more efficiently. In this post, we describe the Orion architecture on AWS, and it’s capabilities to address the challenges in drug development.
Price-Performance Analysis of Amazon EC2 GPU Instance Types using NVIDIA’s GPU optimized seismic code
Seismic imaging is the process of positioning the Earth’s subsurface reflectors. It transforms the seismic data recorded in time at the Earth’s surface to an image of the Earth’s subsurface. This is done by back-propagating data from time to space in a given velocity model. Kirchhoff depth migration is a well-known technique used in geophysics for seismic imaging. Kirchhoff time and depth migration produce an image with higher resolution and generate an image of the subsurface for a subset class of the data, providing valuable information about the petrophysical properties of the rocks and helps to determine how accurate the velocity model is. This blog post looks at the price-performance characteristics computing Kirchhoff migration methods on GPUs using Nvidia’s GPU-optimized code.
GROMACS price-performance optimizations on AWS
Molecular dynamics (MD) is a simulation method for analyzing the movement and tracing trajectories of atoms and molecules where the dynamics of a system evolve over time. MD simulations are used across various domains such as material sciences, biochemistry, biophysics and are typically used in two broad ways to study a system. The importance of […]