AWS for Industries

Category: Expert (400)

Predict patient health outcomes using OHDSI and machine learning on AWS

Build a machine learning model to predict the likelihood of stroke in a patient with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation In healthcare, patient outcome prediction is a critical step in improving the effectiveness of care delivery while reducing its overall cost.  Being able to accurately forecast what will happen next to patients, at scale, is key […]

Achieve Healthcare Interoperability by integrating Amazon Comprehend Medical with FHIR

Healthcare interoperability is a major initiative across all stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem, and the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard has opened the doors for a modern approach to sharing such information. I have frequently heard from healthcare customers that they want to make a difference in patients’ lives by sharing the most relevant […]

AWS Public Database program adds valuable MIMIC-III dataset for researchers

Biomedical researchers require access to accurate, detailed data. The MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology (LCP) MIMIC-III dataset is a popular resource that captures a variety of measures longitudinally over time, across many patients, and can drive analytics and machine learning toward research discovery and improved clinical decision-making. Recently, the MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology (LCP) […]