AWS for Industries

Digging deep and solving problems: Well Data Labs applies machine learning to oil and gas challenges

When CEO Josh Churlik co-founded Well Data Labs in 2014, he was acutely aware of a bizarre dichotomy in his industry: For oil and gas companies, “downhole” innovation (that is, what happens underground) far exceeds the pace of data and analysis innovation. The data systems used then were relics of the 1990s – more homages to history than helpful to the people who needed them.


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Don Bulmer

Don Bulmer

Don Bulmer leads AWS industry marketing for Energy – Oil and Gas. Before joining AWS, Don was a VP and Executive Partner at Gartner responsible for building the company's advisory business for Chief Marketing Executives supporting clients across oil & gas, utilities, financial services, healthcare, retail, CPG, media, higher education, and manufacturing industries. Don also held executive marketing, communication, and brand strategy roles at Shell, SAP, and various Internet and entertainment start-up companies.