AWS for Industries

Tag: Amazon HealthLake

SMART on FHIR authentication flow with HealthLake

Enhanced interoperability with SMART on FHIR support in Amazon HealthLake

Introduction From its launch in July 2021, Amazon HealthLake has provided secure access through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). AWS recently launched new FHIR API capabilities on Amazon HealthLake including support for SMART on FHIR 1.0.0. With the support for SMART on FHIR, HealthLake now offers authorization based on the SMART framework using FHIR scopes […]

Advance pediatric care using Amazon HealthLake for scalable FHIR-based data analytics

Advance pediatric care using Amazon HealthLake for scalable FHIR-based data analytics

Blog is guest authored by Meen Chul Kim from Children’s Hospital at Philadelphia The ability to quickly and securely share data is a critical success factor for researchers around the world working to find cures for childhood illnesses. Recognizing an opportunity to accelerate this important work, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) partnered with Amazon HealthLake […]

Amazon HealthLake Imaging Partners

Amazon HealthLake Imaging Partners

Amazon HealthLake Imaging is a new HIPAA-eligible capability that enables healthcare providers and their software partners to store, access, and analyze medical images at petabyte scale. For customers who want to accelerate their digital transformation of medical imaging to the cloud, Amazon HealthLake Imaging Partners provide solutions and services that can help. Whether it is […]

Addressing Health Equity through Remote Patient Monitoring and Continuity of Care

Addressing Health Equity through Remote Patient Monitoring and Continuity of Care

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) programs are gaining momentum as healthcare organizations focus on improving Health Equity―aimed at addressing health disparities that impact underserved or underrepresented communities. This article discusses a solution utilizing RPM, and interoperability standards for healthcare, to achieve health equity goals. The Current Situation In a traditional healthcare model, the burden is placed […]

Digitizing paper intake forms to deliver accurate, structured patient data

Even in this digital age, when healthcare systems are building out digital front doors, many providers require patients to fill out paper forms or questionnaires in writing at the time of their appointment. Additionally, patients bring pre-filled paper forms containing text from another provider which require processing. Back-office staff are expected to read the forms […]

Deriving AI/ML-driven insights from healthcare data using Amazon HealthLake

Derive AI/ML-driven insights from healthcare data using Amazon HealthLake

Last year, we announced Amazon HealthLake, a new HIPAA-eligible service for healthcare providers, health insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies to securely store, transform, query, analyze, and share health data in the cloud, at petabyte scale. We launched HealthLake to address one of the key challenges that the health industry – from healthcare payers to life […]

Introducing AWS for Health – Accelerating innovation from benchtop to bedside

Healthcare and life science organizations are moving towards digital transformation to decrease the cost of care, improve collaboration, make data-driven clinical and operational decisions, and enable faster development of new therapeutics and treatment paths. Identifying the right cloud technology to reach these goals can be challenging, and many organizations lack the internal resourcing and expertise […]