AWS for Industries

Tag: AWS Energy

bpx energy Production Monitoring and Surveillance Reference architecture

bpx energy Transforms Production Operations Through AWS Energy Industry Solutions

bpx energy is bp’s US onshore oil and gas production business, part of its resilient and focused hydrocarbons portfolio, a key component of its strategy to become an integrated energy company and to be net zero by 2050 or sooner. bpx energy chose AWS as the strategic cloud platform of choice for Operational Technology stack […]

How Exum Instruments is redefining solid sample characterization in the energy industry and beyond

“What is this made of?!” is a key question through the energy industry. Geologists frequently need to determine the elemental composition of cores and cuttings to better understand reservoir deposition and behavior. Producing defect-free metals is of critical importance during drilling and production, where material quality assurances are needed for safe and secure operations. Renewable […]

Innovation acceleration: Digital transformation is key to energy industry survival

Download a Free Copy It’s not news that the global energy sector is facing its biggest challenge in recent history, driven by simultaneous demand and supply shocks that have driven the cost of energy to its lowest levels in history. Leaders in the energy industry, regardless of the company’s size or position in the value […]

Oil & Gas

Oil and gas companies get practical about cloud innovation to digitally transform

The oil and gas industry is certainly no stranger to innovation—whether it’s successfully drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, or on the opposite spectrum, the desert, or other places previously thought impossible to reach. In more recent times, the focus has been on innovation through digital technology. A World Economic Forum report notes that “as […]

How oil & gas is solving technological limitations of complex reservoir simulation with CMG and AWS

Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (CMG) is an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner that delivers a revolutionary cloud solution for the oil and gas industry. Our solution provides engineers with faster simulation runs, giving them time to focus on reservoir and project analysis. In this post, I will introduce you to CMG, the concept of reservoir simulation, […]

How Deep Imaging is using cloud computing to boost oil and gas production performance

Oil and gas operators are feeling the pinch. “Their wells are underperforming, so they can’t get enough oil out of the ground and they are missing financial forecasts,” says Josh Ulla, Chief Development Officer at Deep Imaging. “The scary thing is they often don’t know the root causes of what’s leading to well underperformance.” Analytics […]

Smarter autonomous driving, one truck at a time: FuelSave boosts transportation efficiency

In today’s complex, internet-driven consumer marketplace, it’s nearly impossible to purchase goods that haven’t spent some time on a truck. With that kind of reach, the logistics industry has a considerable ripple effect on the environment and on the cost of consumer items. When trucks burn more fuel, they increase global pollution and shipping costs, […]

Ondiflo is using blockchain to revolutionize the oil and gas industry

Today, in the oil and gas industry, if a truck needed to carry 130 barrels of water from one location to another, representatives from both sides would have to sign off on the 130-barrel quantity, the start location, and end location—along with the time and mileage—just to start the commercial payment process from buyers to […]

How OAG Analytics leverages AI and machine learning to optimize the profitability of oil and gas wells

In 2013, Luther Birdzell formed OAG Analytics to create an AI platform that enables oil and gas companies to use more of their data to help solve critical problems like well spacing. Today, the OAG-Amazon SageMaker integration enables customers to unify their datasets and create proprietary analyses using virtually unlimited compute. READ MORE Click here […]

Kinect Energy uses Amazon SageMaker to forecast energy prices with machine learning

The Amazon ML Solutions Lab worked with Kinect Energy recently to build a pipeline to predict future energy prices based on machine learning (ML). We created an automated data ingestion and inference pipeline using Amazon SageMaker and AWS Step Functions to automate and schedule energy price prediction. READ MORE Click here to learn more about Energy on AWS