AWS for Industries

Tag: digital transformation

What value can cloud computing deliver to the maritime industry?

Majority of the global trade happens at sea: the ocean shipping industry is at the core of the global economy, yet still enjoying a lower level of digitization. In this post we will review how companies in this vertical can take advantage of cloud computing to transform their business. Cloud computing can deliver value to […]

Uncovering digital transformation at SKIFT Global Forum 2020

I’ve been attending the SKIFT Global Forum, one of the premier global events for the travel and hospitality industry, for many years. This year was unique for a few reasons, first among them being the fact that the event was a completely virtual experience. Another difference this year was that my colleague David Peller, Managing […]

Five bets for the next five years: Technology transformations in the restaurant business

During my career in the restaurant business, technology went from being a standalone, assembly-language based point-of-sale system with limited functionality and importance to a highly integrated, mission-critical ecosystem. Looking back, much of the timing and nature of this evolution was not predictable, but there were certain clear trends that informed pre-emptive bets. These in turn, […]