The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Improved AWS IoT Management Console

For many customers, the management console is the primary tool for interacting with and monitoring AWS IoT. This includes connecting a first device, diving into thing details, finding key resources, and testing with the MQTT client. Over the past year, we received feedback from customers that drove the redesign of a new AWS IoT console available today.

In the new console, you will see:

  • New visual design for improved usability and navigation
  • Improved navigation to things, types, certificates, policies, and rules, making them easier to find
  • A new dashboard with account-level metrics
  • Streamlined MQTT web client to troubleshoot your IoT solutions
  • A new wizard to connect devices in fewer steps
  • A real-time feed of things’ lifecycle events and shadow activity

To try the new console experience, sign in to the console.

Your feedback is important to us as we continue to improve the AWS IoT console experience. To send feedback, please use the Feedback button in the footer of the console.

Fig 1 – New dashboard with account-level metrics.

Fig 2 – Things, types, certificates, policies, and rules all have their own areas.

Fig 3 – Drill in to resource details and take action.