The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: OT Cybersecurity

Managing Organizational Transformation for Successful OT/IT Convergence

Introduction Industrial organizations are facing a new challenge as they try to merge the traditional physical world (Operational Technology or OT) and the digital world (Information Technology or IT). In our experience, companies who prioritize organizational change management when implementing digital solutions get better results from their investments. This is even more true when building […]

Implement security monitoring across OT, IIoT and cloud with AWS Security Hub

Introduction Industrial digital transformation can increase competitiveness and optimize processes and profitability through the use of big data, IoT, machine-to-machine communication, and machine learning. Continuous digitalization and progressive interconnectivity of the production environment is important to capturing value from industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions. While this new and expanding “physical meets digital” connectivity enables great rewards, […]