AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon Textract

PDF document pre-processing with Amazon Textract: Visuals detection and removal

Amazon Textract is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service that automatically extracts printed text, handwriting, and other data from scanned documents that goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to identify, understand, and extract data from forms and tables. Amazon Textract can detect text in a variety of documents, including financial reports, medical records, […]

We use the following sample document, which has both printed and handwritten content in tables.

Process documents containing handwritten tabular content using Amazon Textract and Amazon A2I

Even in this digital age where more and more companies are moving to the cloud and using machine learning (ML) or technology to improve business processes, we still see a vast number of companies reach out and ask about processing documents, especially documents with handwriting. We see employment forms, time cards, and financial applications with […]

This month in AWS Machine Learning: January edition

Hello and welcome to our first “This month in AWS Machine Learning” of 2021! Every day there is something new going on in the world of AWS Machine Learning—from launches to new to use cases to interactive trainings. We’re packaging some of the not-to-miss information from the ML Blog and beyond for easy perusing each […]

Automating business processes with machine learning in the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has changed our world significantly. All of this change has been almost instantaneous, forcing companies to pivot quickly and find new ways to operate. Automation is playing an increasingly important role to help companies adjust. The ability to automate business processes with machine learning (ML) is unlocking new efficiencies and allowing companies to move […]

Store output in custom Amazon S3 bucket and encrypt using AWS KMS for multi-page document processing with Amazon Textract

Amazon Textract is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service that makes it easy to process documents at scale by automatically extracting printed text, handwriting, and other data from virtually any type of document. Amazon Textract goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of fields in forms and information stored […]

Amazon Textract recognizes handwriting and adds five new languages

Documents are a primary tool for communication, collaboration, record keeping, and transactions across industries, including financial, medical, legal, and real estate. The format of data can pose an extra challenge in data extraction, especially if the content is typed, handwritten, or embedded in a form or table. Furthermore, extracting data from your documents is manual, […]

Extracting handwritten information through Amazon Textract

This post is guest authored by Vibhav Sangam Gupta, a Client Solutions Partner at Quantiphi, Inc. Quantiphi is an award-winning applied AI and data science software and services company driven by the desire to solve transformational problems at the heart of business. We are passionate about our customers and obsessed with problem-solving to make products […]

AWS Finance and Global Business Services builds an automated contract-processing platform using Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend

Processing incoming documents such as contracts and agreements is often an arduous task. The typical workflow for reviewing signed contracts involves loading, reading, and extracting contractual terms from agreements, which requires hours of manual effort and intensive labor. At AWS Finance and Global Business Services (AWS FGBS), this process typically takes more than 150 employee […]

Deploying and using the Document Understanding Solution

Based on our day to day experience, the information we consume is entirely digital. We read the news on our mobile devices far more than we do from printed copy newspapers. Tickets for sporting events, music concerts, and airline travel are stored in apps on our phones. One could go weeks or longer without needing […]

This month in AWS Machine Learning: October edition

Every day there is something new going on in the world of AWS Machine Learning—from launches to new to use cases to interactive trainings. We’re packaging some of the not-to-miss information from the ML Blog and beyond for easy perusing each month. Check back at the end of each month for the latest roundup. Launches […]