AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Chat Studio query interface

Create a web UI to interact with LLMs using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

The launch of ChatGPT and rise in popularity of generative AI have captured the imagination of customers who are curious about how they can use this technology to create new products and services on AWS, such as enterprise chatbots, which are more conversational. This post shows you how you can create a web UI, which […]

Frugality meets Accuracy: Cost-efficient training of GPT NeoX and Pythia models with AWS Trainium

Large language models (or LLMs) have become a topic of daily conversations. Their quick adoption is evident by the amount of time required to reach a 100 million users, which has gone from “4.5yrs by facebook” to an all-time low of mere “2 months by ChatGPT.” A generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) uses causal autoregressive updates […]

Vodafone advances its machine learning skills with AWS DeepRacer and Accenture

Vodafone is transitioning from a telecommunications company (telco) to a technology company (TechCo) by 2025, with objectives of innovating faster, reducing costs, improving security, and simplifying operations. Thousands of engineers are being onboarded to contribute to this transition. By 2025, Vodafone plans to have 50% of its global workforce actively involved in software development, with […]

Getir end-to-end workforce management: Amazon Forecast and AWS Step Functions

This is a guest post co-authored by Nafi Ahmet Turgut, Mehmet İkbal Özmen, Hasan Burak Yel, Fatma Nur Dumlupınar Keşir, Mutlu Polatcan and Emre Uzel from Getir. Getir is the pioneer of ultrafast grocery delivery. The technology company has revolutionized last-mile delivery with its grocery in-minutes delivery proposition. Getir was founded in 2015 and operates […]

Mitigate hallucinations through Retrieval Augmented Generation using Pinecone vector database & Llama-2 from Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Despite the seemingly unstoppable adoption of LLMs across industries, they are one component of a broader technology ecosystem that is powering the new AI wave. Many conversational AI use cases require LLMs like Llama 2, Flan T5, and Bloom to respond to user queries. These models rely on parametric knowledge to answer questions. The model […]

Text Summarization Techniques

Techniques for automatic summarization of documents using language models

Summarization is the technique of condensing sizable information into a compact and meaningful form, and stands as a cornerstone of efficient communication in our information-rich age. In a world full of data, summarizing long texts into brief summaries saves time and helps make informed decisions. Summarization condenses content, saving time and improving clarity by presenting […]

Boosting RAG-based intelligent document assistants using entity extraction, SQL querying, and agents with Amazon Bedrock

Conversational AI has come a long way in recent years thanks to the rapid developments in generative AI, especially the performance improvements of large language models (LLMs) introduced by training techniques such as instruction fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback. When prompted correctly, these models can carry coherent conversations without any task-specific training data. […]

End to end Solution Architecture

How Q4 Inc. used Amazon Bedrock, RAG, and SQLDatabaseChain to address numerical and structured dataset challenges building their Q&A chatbot

This post is co-written with Stanislav Yeshchenko from Q4 Inc. Enterprises turn to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) as a mainstream approach to building Q&A chatbots. We continue to see emerging challenges stemming from the nature of the assortment of datasets available. These datasets are often a mix of numerical and text data, at times structured, […]

Enable faster training with Amazon SageMaker data parallel library

Large language model (LLM) training has become increasingly popular over the last year with the release of several publicly available models such as Llama2, Falcon, and StarCoder. Customers are now training LLMs of unprecedented size ranging from 1 billion to over 175 billion parameters. Training these LLMs requires significant compute resources and time as hundreds […]

Use custom metadata created by Amazon Comprehend to intelligently process insurance claims using Amazon Kendra

Structured data, defined as data following a fixed pattern such as information stored in columns within databases, and unstructured data, which lacks a specific form or pattern like text, images, or social media posts, both continue to grow as they are produced and consumed by various organizations. For instance, according to International Data Corporation (IDC), […]