AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Compute

Model serving in Java with AWS Elastic Beanstalk made easy with Deep Java Library

Deploying your machine learning (ML) models to run on a REST endpoint has never been easier. Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to host your endpoint and Deep Java Library (DJL) to load your deep learning models for inference makes the model deployment process extremely easy to set up. Setting […]

Model serving made easier with Deep Java Library and AWS Lambda

Developing and deploying a deep learning model involves many steps: gathering and cleansing data, designing the model, fine-tuning model parameters, evaluating the results, and going through it again until a desirable result is achieved. Then comes the final step: deploying the model. AWS Lambda is one of the most cost effective service that lets you run code without […]

Intelligently connect to customers using machine learning in the COVID-19 pandemic

The pandemic has changed how people interact, how we receive information, and how we get help. It has shifted much of what used to happen in-person to online. Many of our customers are using machine learning (ML) technology to facilitate that transition, from new remote cloud contact centers, to chatbots, to more personalized engagements online. […]

Training and serving H2O models using Amazon SageMaker

Model training and serving steps are two essential pieces of a successful end-to-end machine learning (ML) pipeline. These two steps often require different software and hardware setups to provide the best mix for a production environment. Model training is optimized for a low-cost, feasible total run duration, scientific flexibility, and model interpretability objectives, whereas model […]

Building a medical image search platform on AWS

Improving radiologist efficiency and preventing burnout is a primary goal for healthcare providers. A nationwide study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings in 2015 showed radiologist burnout percentage at a concerning 61% [1]. In additon, the report concludes that “burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance in US physicians worsened from 2011 to 2014. More than half […]

Join AWS and NVIDIA at GTC, October 5–9

Starting Monday, October 5, 2020, the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC) is offering online sessions for you to learn AWS best practices to accomplish your machine learning (ML), virtual workstations, high performance computing (HPC), and internet of things (IoT) goals faster and more easily. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances powered by NVIDIA GPUs […]

AWS Inferentia is now available in 11 AWS Regions, with best-in-class performance for running object detection models at scale

AWS has expanded the availability of Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances to four new AWS Regions, bringing the total number of supported Regions to 11: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, Paris), and South America (São Paulo). Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances are powered by AWS […]

Visualizing TensorFlow training jobs with TensorBoard

TensorBoard is an open source toolkit for TensorFlow users that allows you to visualize a wide range of useful information about your model, from model graphs; to loss, accuracy, or custom metrics; to embedding projections, images, and histograms of weights and biases. This post demonstrates how to use TensorBoard with Amazon SageMaker training jobs, write […]

How to run distributed training using Horovod and MXNet on AWS DL Containers and AWS  Deep Learning AMIs

Distributed training of large deep learning models has become an indispensable way of model training for computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) applications. Open source frameworks such as Horovod provide distributed training support to Apache MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow. Converting your non-distributed Apache MXNet training script to use distributed training with Horovod only […]

Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances featuring AWS Inferentia chips now available in five new Regions and with improved performance

Following strong customer demand, AWS has expanded the availability of Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances to five new Regions: US East (Ohio), Asia Pacific (Sydney, Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland). Inf1 instances are powered by AWS Inferentia chips, which Amazon custom-designed to provide you with the lowest cost per inference in the cloud and lower barriers […]