AWS Machine Learning Blog

Tag: Apache MXNet

Updated AWS CloudFormation Deep Learning Template Adds New Features and Capabilities

Listen to this post Voiced by Amazon Polly AWS CloudFormation, which creates and configures Amazon Web Services resources with a template, simplifies the process of setting up a distributed deep learning cluster. The AWS CloudFormation Deep Learning template uses the latest updated Amazon Deep Learning AMI (which provides Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, Caffe, Theano, Torch, and CNTK […]

AWS Podcast #175: Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Matt Wood

Dr. Matt Wood is the GM of Artificial Intelligence at AWS I sat down with Simon Elisha from the AWS Podcast to talk about the emerging world of artificial intelligence. In addition to speaking about Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, Amazon Rekognition, and Apache MXNet, we also do a little reminiscing about days gone by. Listen now on SoundCloud Like the […]