AWS Machine Learning Blog

Tag: PyTorch

AWS Deep Learning AMIs now support Chainer and latest versions of PyTorch and Apache MXNet

The AWS Deep Learning AMIs provide fully-configured environments so that artificial intelligence (AI) developers and data scientists can quickly get started with deep learning models. The Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) now include Chainer (v3.4.0), a flexible and intuitive deep learning (DL) framework, as well as the latest versions of Apache MXNet and PyTorch. The Chainer define-by-run […]

Updated AWS Deep Learning AMIs: New Versions of TensorFlow, Apache MXNet, Keras, and PyTorch

We’re excited to update the AWS Deep Learning AMIs with significantly faster training on NVIDIA Tesla V100 “Volta” GPUs across many frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and the latest Apache MXNet 1.0 release. There are two main flavors of the AMIs available today. The Conda-based AWS Deep Learning AMI packages the latest point releases of […]

AWS Deep Learning AMI Now Supports PyTorch, Keras 2 and Latest Deep Learning Frameworks

Today, we’re pleased to announce an update to the AWS Deep Learning AMI. The AWS Deep Learning AMI, which lets you spin up a complete deep learning environment on AWS in a single click, now includes PyTorch, Keras 1.2 and 2.0 support, along with popular machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Caffe2 and Apache MXNet. […]