AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog
Introducing the Amazon Pinpoint SMS sandbox
Amazon Pinpoint now includes a new feature called the SMS sandbox. If you’ve sent email through Amazon Pinpoint (or if you’ve used Amazon SES), the sandbox might be a familiar concept. This new feature helps protect your Amazon Pinpoint account against unauthorized use, accidental sends, and unexpected charges. In this post, I’ll describe the SMS sandbox feature. You’ll learn what the sandbox is and what the benefits are for you. I’ll also talk about how to use your Amazon Pinpoint account when it’s in the sandbox, and how to have your account removed from the sandbox.
About the sandbox
The SMS sandbox is enabled by default on all new Amazon Pinpoint accounts. Also, if you have an existing account that has never had a spending limit increase (that is, if your account has a monthly spending limit of $1), your account is probably still in the SMS sandbox.
The sandbox applies to both Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon SNS. If your account is removed from the sandbox in Amazon SNS, it’s also out of the sandbox in Amazon Pinpoint, and vice-versa.
While your account is in the sandbox, you can still use all of the features of Amazon Pinpoint. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, your monthly spending limit is fixed at $1. You can increase this amount when you remove your account from the sandbox. Second, you can only send messages to destination phone numbers that you’ve verified. Third, country-specific rules may apply to the registration process. For example, in the United States, you’re required to have a dedicated phone number for sending SMS messages.
SMS sandbox benefits
The SMS sandbox is a valuable tool for ensuring the security of your accounts. It protects against messages accidentally being sent to unintended recipients during your development and testing processes. The sandbox also helps protect the SMS ecosystem by preventing bad actors from sending unsolicited messages to arbitrary phone numbers.
Verifying destination phone numbers
One of the biggest changes with this release is the concept of verified phone numbers. When your account is in the sandbox, you can only send SMS messages to verified phone numbers. A verified phone number is a number that you own, or that is owned by somebody who provided permission to receive messages from you.
Note: You only have to verify recipients’ phone numbers when your account is in the sandbox. When your account is out of the sandbox, you can send messages to any phone number, even if that phone number hasn’t been verified.
While your account is in the sandbox, you can have up to 10 verified phone numbers in each AWS Region. After you verify a phone number, you have to wait 24 hours before you can delete it.
The verification process involves two steps. First, you enter the number that you want to verify in the Amazon Pinpoint console. This step is shown in the following image.
When you do this, Amazon Pinpoint sends a verification code to the phone number that you specified.
Next, you enter the verification code in the same section of the Amazon Pinpoint console where you started the verification process. This step is shown in the following image. It’s important to keep in mind that these verification codes are only valid for 15 minutes.
If the code that you enter matches the code that was sent to the phone number, then the phone number becomes verified. The following image shows an example of a phone number that has been successfully verified.
Step-by-step procedures for verifying phone numbers are available in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide. For this verification process, we waive the standard messaging fees associated with sending the verification code up to five times per phone number.
Using the sandbox
When you complete the verification process for a phone number, you can use that phone number as a destination for your messages.
If you plan to use campaigns or journeys to send SMS messages, you can create them without restrictions. When you launch your campaigns or journeys, Amazon Pinpoint only sends messages to verified recipients. If you try to send a test message during the process of creating a campaign or journey, Amazon Pinpoint asks you to specify an origination phone number, and to select a verified phone number as the recipient. After your campaigns or journeys are sent, the analytics dashboards will indicate the number of recipients that you targeted, and that messages were only delivered to verified recipients, if there were any.
If you use the SendMessages API to send your messages, pass the verified phone number as a key in the Addresses
object. You can see a basic example in the following Python code example:
Moving out of the sandbox
When you move your account out of the SMS sandbox, you can send messages to any phone number, even if you haven’t verified it. When your account is out of the sandbox, you also gain the ability to increase your spending limit to a value higher than $1 per month.
You can determine whether your account is still in the SMS sandbox on the SMS settings page of the Amazon Pinpoint console. The top of the page (shown in the following image) shows the steps that you must take before you can start sending SMS messages. Step 2 of this section tells you whether your account is still in the SMS sandbox.
To create a request to get out of the sandbox, create a Service Limit Increase case in the AWS Support Center. In your case, you have to provide certain details about your use case and about your consent-gathering practices. You can find complete instructions for creating these requests in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.
I highly recommend that you fill in all of the fields in the request form, including those that state that they’re optional. Having this information will help the AWS Support team better understand your use case. Incomplete information could result in your request being delayed or denied.
After you submit your request, the AWS Support team responds to your ticket within 24 business hours. However, the response might include additional questions. Be sure to return to the AWS Support Center periodically after you submit your request so that you can answer questions if they arise.
Wrapping up
We designed the SMS sandbox to be flexible enough to enable low-volume development and testing use cases with minimal disruptions. At the same time, the sandbox provides additional security against unintended sending, and it deters malicious senders.
The sandbox is enabled by default for all new AWS accounts. There are no additional costs for using the sandbox, or for having your account removed from it.
Ready to start sending text messages with Amazon Pinpoint? Go to today to get started!