AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

How to integrate Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus with Slack

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a serverless Prometheus-compatible monitoring service for metrics to securely monitor container environments at scale. Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus lets you utilize open source Prometheus query language (PromQL) to monitor containerized workload performance without having to manage the underlying infrastructure required for the ingestion, storage, alerting, and querying of […]

Using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus Alert Manager to receive alerts with PagerDuty

Many customers using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus are transitioning from their self-managed Prometheus systems to the fully managed service. Within this transition journey, Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus users need ways to migrate their existing Prometheus and Alert Manager configurations. PagerDuty is a receiver used by many customers to route alerts to their internal […]

Using Prometheus Adapter to autoscale applications running on Amazon EKS

Automated scaling is an approach to scaling up or down workloads automatically based on resource usage. In Kubernetes, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) can scale pods based on observed CPU utilization and memory usage. In more complex scenarios, we would account for other metrics before deciding the scaling. For example, most web and mobile backends […]

Getting Started with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

4/9/2021 – Updated the Prometheus server deployment setup part by removing the AWS SigV4 side-car proxy container. This is no longer needed as the Prometheus server now directly signs requests made to the AMP remote write API. Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) is a Prometheus-compatible monitoring service for container infrastructure and application metrics for […]