AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Amazon VPC

Securely administer servers migrated with AWS Application Migration Service using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager

Introduction In this blog post, we will illustrate how to automate the configuration necessary to manage migrated servers with improved security and reduced costs. To administer servers in an on-premises environment, administrators often use secure shell (SSH) or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect. After migrating to Amazon Web Services (AWS), this may not be […]

Simplify Modernization of your monolithic application using Amazon VPC Lattice

The term “digital transformation” describes the implementation of new technologies, talents, and processes to remain competitive in an ever-changing technology landscape. Companies must embrace transformation initiatives to gain benefits such as improving productivity, improving customer experiences and reduce operational costs. A successful transformation journey involves both Migration and Modernization.  Modernization is the refactoring of legacy technology by […]

Using Amazon IPAM to enhance AWS Control Tower governance for Networking resources

Many of our customers are scaling their AWS environment to meet the growing needs of their businesses. They are building multi-VPC environments and interconnecting them with on-premises through AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection or AWS Direct Connect. As the number of projects grow customers have also adopted multi-account strategy using AWS Control Tower. This has helped […]