Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Compute

Performing Route 53 health checks on private resources in a VPC with AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch

If you have ever used Amazon Route 53 health checks to monitor resources, you know that monitored resources must have public IP addresses. This is because Route 53 health checkers are public and they can only monitor hosts with IP addresses that are publicly routable on the internet. You may want to monitor your resources […]

Managing Lambda@Edge and CloudFront deployments by using a CI/CD pipeline

As promised in my previous post of this series about Lambda@Edge, in this new blog post I’m sharing some best practices for managing a Lambda@Edge application. So how do you roll out code or configuration changes to a Lambda@Edge function and Amazon CloudFront distribution in a safe and controlled way? Over time, as your application evolves, you’ll […]

Lambda functions as targets for Application Load Balancers

As of today, Application Load Balancers (ALBs) now support AWS Lambda functions as targets. Build websites and web applications as serverless code, using AWS Lambda to manage and run your functions, and then configure an ALB to provide a simple HTTP/S frontend for requests coming from web browsers and clients. Triggering a Lambda Function from […]

Simple Serverless Video On Demand (VOD) Workflow

This post discusses the basics of setting up a simple serverless video on demand (VOD) workflow so you can experiment with streaming video with minimal configurations required. (If you have a more advanced VOD use case, check out this post and CloudFormation template from AWS Answers.) To setup a serveless video transcoding workflow, you first […]

Reducing Latency and Shifting Compute to the Edge with Lambda@Edge

Lambda@Edge provides you with the ability to bring compute power closer to client applications. With the recent increase in function limits and ability to send binary responses, as well as the addition of remote calling from functions, the capabilities of Lambda@Edge have grown. This post demonstrates how you can take an application with a relatively slow rate of changing data and use Lambda@Edge to both provide low latency data to application clients and remove unnecessary calls to a backend service.