Networking & Content Delivery


Customize 403 error pages from Amazon CloudFront Origin with Lambda@Edge

AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) is commonly used to protect HTTP and HTTPS requests forwarded to Amazon CloudFront. When you are using this approach, default 403 error pages do not distinguish whether the error came from AWS WAF or the CloudFront Origin. As an AWS WAF and Amazon CloudFront user, you may want to […]

AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency – Updated Whitepaper Now Available

Come read the 2018 version of the AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency whitepaper. In this whitepaper, we provide you with prescriptive DDoS guidance to build applications that are resilient to DDoS attacks. We describe different attack types, such as volumetric attacks and application layer attacks, and explain which best practices are most effective to manage each attack type.