Networking & Content Delivery

Tag: DNS

Using Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Logs with CloudWatch Contributor Insights and Anomaly Detection

Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most critical components for almost any network as every service relies on a functional DNS service. Amazon Route 53 Resolver (sometimes referred to as “AmazonProvidedDNS” or the “.2/+2 resolver”) provides a highly available and scalable DNS service that customers have come to rely upon for their recursive DNS […]

Secure your Amazon VPC DNS resolution with Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Introduction There are many services that help you configure network security within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), including security groups (SGs), network access control lists (network ACLs), and the AWS Network Firewall. These services inspect and filter network traffic, but they do not apply to DNS queries provided by Route 53 Resolver, potentially allowing […]

Solving DNS zone apex challenges with third-party DNS providers using AWS

Many customers ask us how they can point their zone apex to their web content if it uses a DNS name rather than an IP address. This blog covers three design patterns and approaches that solve zone apex challenges with third-party DNS providers for applications hosted in AWS—and the pros and cons of each approach.

Automating DNS infrastructure using Route 53 Resolver endpoints

Introduction DNS name resolution is a fundamental part of all on-premises and cloud networks. For customers with hybrid networks, additional infrastructure and configuration are needed for private DNS resolution to work seamlessly across environments. However, building this type of DNS infrastructure in a multi-account environment is complex. In this post, we show how to automate […]

Centralized DNS management of hybrid cloud with Amazon Route 53 and AWS Transit Gateway

A successful hybrid networking strategy goes beyond private network connectivity. It often requires dealing with independent internal zones both in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and on-premises. Such a strategy needs Domain Name System (DNS) naming that spans the entire network. Typically, this is managed by providing name resolution services in the same place […]