AWS Open Source Blog

Kube-OIDC-Proxy Demo screen.

Consistent OIDC authentication across multiple EKS clusters using Kube-OIDC-Proxy

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) authenticates users against IAM before they’re granted access to an EKS cluster. Access to each cluster is controlled by the aws-auth ConfigMap, a file that maps IAM users/roles to Kubernetes RBAC groups. In this guest post from Josh Van Leeuwen from Jetstack, we look at how we can use […]

re:Invent 2019 AWS Amplify session video image.

re:Cap part two – open source at re:Invent 2019

Some of the most well-attended sessions at re:Invent covered mobile and web development with GraphQL and AWS Amplify. There was plenty of new stuff to get your teeth into and a broad selection of interesting and well-thought-out workshops. Now that anyone can create construct libraries in AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), there were also […]

Amazon Corretto Duke logo.

New update channels for Amazon Corretto releases

Customers using Amazon Corretto, an open source, no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK), have asked us to enable familiar tools that developers and system administrators can use to update their installations. Today we are announcing the official Corretto Yum and Apt repositories, permanent download URLs, and a public Corretto Amazon […]

Andy Jassy giving the 2019 re:Invent keynote.

re:Cap part one – open source at re:Invent 2019

As the dust settles after another re:Invent closes, I wanted to put together a quick summary of all the open source-related announcements that happened in the run up to this year’s re:Invent and the week itself. If you are interested in open source in mobile web development, devops, containers, security, big data and data analytics, […]

Continuous Integration Architecture using Terraform and Jenkins.

Continuous Integration using Jenkins and HashiCorp Terraform on Amazon EKS

This blog post is the result of a collaboration between Amazon Web Services and HashiCorp. HashiCorp is an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner with AWS Competencies in both DevOps and Containers. Introduction Customers running microservices-based applications on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) are looking for guidance on architecting complete end-to-end Continuous Integration […]

AWS Open Source logo.

Setting the record straight on AWS and open source

This New York Times article is skewed and misleading. The reporter had a story he wanted to write and didn’t let the facts get in the way of his story. He ignored most of what we shared with him, left out many of the positive partner comments various partners shared with him, and conflated various […]

User uploads data in BIDS format to S3 and starts the Lambda function → Lambda parses the uploaded data and launches a cluster of EC2 instances → EC2 instances run fMRIprep which preprocesses the data → preprocessed data are saved to S3.

fMRI data preprocessing on AWS using fMRIprep

A typical fMRI study often produces imaging data of terabytes or more. Storing and preprocessing this data can be challenging on a single computer because it often has neither enough disk space to store the data nor enough computing power to preprocess it. Traditionally, researchers use a combination of cloud-based storage and on-premises high-performance clusters […]


Deploying an HPC cluster and remote visualization in a single step using AWS ParallelCluster

Since its initial release in November 2018, AWS ParallelCluster (an AWS-supported open source tool) has made it easier and more cost effective for users to manage and deploy HPC clusters in the cloud. Since then, the team has continued to enhance the product with more configuration flexibility and enhancements like built-in support for the Elastic […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch logo.

Introducing real-time anomaly detection in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

There is an enormous increase in real-time streaming applications across a wide range of industries such as finance, health, information technology, retail, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Organizations depend on log analytics solutions to detect aberrations in the data and identify critical situations. Examples include finding fraudulent behavior in financial transactions, discovering suspicious IP addresses […]