AWS Open Source Blog

Tag: open source

“leak suspects report” provided by the MAT tool

Open Source Korean Analyzer Support in Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Need for an improved Korean analyzer in Amazon Elasticsearch Service (AES) Processing content for search in Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean presents unique challenges. Typical processing done by a search engine, such as tokenizing based on whitespaces and stemming to derive root forms, is not sufficient for Asian languages, as many words […]

Open Source Leadership Summit 2018 Sonoma

AWS Presents at the Open Source Leadership Summit 2018

AWS 2018 索诺马开源领袖峰会 The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Leadership Summit (OSLS) was held this year in Sonoma, California. The summit offered a great opportunity for collaboration, learning, and sharing. The venue was chosen to help the recovery of a local community devastated by recent calamitous fires. I presented a talk on the growth of open […]

Capital One Hygieia project logo

Hygieia and the Capital One DevOps Journey

中文版 by Tapabrata Pal AWS customers have created many interesting and useful open source projects which should reach a wider audience. I’m very happy to be able to promote them on this blog. Here we feature a guest post by Tapabrata (Topo) Pal of Capital One. – Adrian Capital One is a top digital bank […]

This one marketing secret will change your life

SCaLE 16x

The Southern California Linux Expo may be the largest and longest-running regional tech conference in the US. I’ve attended almost every year since 2012; I keep coming back for great talks and the warm, welcoming, friendly (and, notably, family-friendly) crowd. The event included SCaLE Kids, “a youth focused STEM event… where the free & open […]

ClearlyDefined logo

ClearlyDefined: Crowdsourcing Open Source Project Data

中文版 Amazon, like many other companies, relies on the use of open source software. Every software project has different requirements, but almost all have a need to manage open source as third-party software dependencies. When working with large numbers of dependencies, it can often be complex and time-consuming to track down up-to-date licensing and author […]

Exploring the Networking Foundation for EKS: amazon-vpc-cni-k8s + Calico

中文版 At AWS re:invent, Amazon announced Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), and revealed details of how container networking would work — and be secured — on this exciting new platform. In particular, EKS leverages a new AWS Container Network Interface (amazon-vpc-cni-k8s) plug-in, together with Project Calico for enforcing network policies. In this post, we’ll […]

Bringing Cloud Provider Support to Kubernetes on DC/OS

中文版 Mesosphere in September of 2017 announced it was bringing back support for Kubernetes on its popular DC/OS cluster management solution. The beta release supported creating a cluster; you could then SSH tunnel into the nodes and deploy standard Kubernetes primitives to it. As of early January, support was officially added for the –cloud-provider flag, […]

FOSDEM: Kicking Off 2018 With Europe’s Largest FOSS Event

FOSDEM:与欧洲最大的自由和开放源软件盛会开始全新的2018 FOSDEM is an annual free and open source conference for the software developer community. It’s managed by scores of volunteers and open source community members, and entirely free to attend. Every year, thousands of developers from all over the world head to Brussels, Belgium in droves to connect, share ideas, and collaborate. This year […]

Amazonians and Hacktoberfest

Hacktoberfest, “a month-long celebration of open source software,” took place last October, before this blog was launched. A number of Amazonians participated, using the opportunity to contribute to work-related projects, passion projects, or both. At the start, their open source experience ranged from neophyte to veteran. Thanks to Hacktoberfest, all have now contributed (and earned […]