AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Nonprofit

AWS Public Sector Summit in Singapore: The Next-Generation of Builders

The second annual AWS Public Sector Summit in Singapore took place on Tuesday, October 2, at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Center in Singapore. More than 1,100 attendees showed up from across the public sector. The event kicked off with the keynote presentation and was followed by 17 sessions that were offered across two tracks. And, for the first time, there was also a student track.

Technology and Mental Health Spotlight

On World Mental Health Day, we are taking a moment to highlight the importance of mental health awareness and access to mental health care for individuals worldwide. As technology impacts mental health in various ways, it also provides an opportunity to scale access to information about mental health issues and deliver support and services to more people than ever before.

Age UK Scales to Connect with 7 Million People Each Year

Age UK is the UK’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They have the vision to make the UK a great place to grow older and they work every day to achieve this by providing companionship, advice, and support for older people who need it most. Scalability, cost savings, and security are key in delivering Age UK’s services to more than 7 million people every year. In 2012, Age UK turned to AWS to help revamp their technology to better support the older generation in the UK.

AWS Bahrain Summit Recap: Inspiring Stories from the Middle East

Our second annual AWS Summit in Bahrain took place on Sunday September 30th in Manama, Bahrain. More than 2,000 attendees including the Crown Prince and dignitaries within the Bahraini government joined us to get inspired and gain the technical knowledge needed to get more from the cloud. The event included 15 sessions across three tracks – management, technical, and spotlight. The Summit also featured those in the Middle East who have made impressive use of the cloud to foster a spirit of innovation in the region.

Takeaways from Down Under: AWS Public Sector Summit Canberra Recap

Last week, we hosted our fifth annual AWS Public Sector Summit in Canberra, Australia. More than 1,100 government, education, and nonprofit attendees from across the region attended the Summit, which featured 35 breakout sessions within seven tracks.
In this blog post, we recap the major themes coming from the event.

Ready for the Next Storm

With Hurricane Florence heading for the east coast of the United States, home to many of our U.S. federal government customers, Jeff Barr is sharing some important reminders on how AWS takes extensive precautions to help ensure AWS will remain operational and what customers can do to be ready to weather the storm. From availability zones and contingency planning to data transfer and disaster response, learn about disaster preparedness in Jeff’s blog post.

Q&A: Open990 and How to Access Financial Indicators from Nonprofits

Last year, we shared a post about the Nonprofit Open Data Collective and how a consortium of nonprofits and researchers came together to make the data from the IRS’s 990 filings easier to work with. As a follow-up, we spoke with David Borenstein, one of the driving forces behind the Nonprofit Open Data Collective, about his new project: Open990.