AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Nonprofit

New Office in Bahrain Opening to Build an Ecosystem to Jumpstart Cloud Capabilities

A post by Teresa Carlson, Vice President Worldwide Public Sector, Amazon Web Services I’m pleased to announce that AWS plans to open an office in Bahrain. The office will open on January 1st in Manama and will support organizations of all sizes, from start-ups to government institutions, as they make the transition to the AWS […]

The AWS Public Sector Partner Program – Quickly and Easily Find Partners

The AWS Public Sector Partner Program (PSP) recognizes partners with solutions and experience in helping government, education, and nonprofit organizations around the world achieve their missions. AWS has developed strong relationships with partners that deliver public sector specific solutions, and we’re thrilled to provide our customers with access to this network. At launch, the AWS […]

Prepare for re:Invent 2016: What Every Public Sector Attendee Needs to Know

With AWS re:Invent 2016 in less than a week, we are sharing what every public sector attendee needs to know before touching down in Las Vegas for the week of November 28 – December 2, 2016. As the largest gathering of the global Amazon Web Services community, there’s a lot to navigate! Mark your calendar […]

Not All or Nothing: How to Make Progress without Breaking the Bank

The implementation of highly scalable, easy-to-deploy technology is transforming the public sector, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Organizations begin their cloud adoption journeys in many ways. Some start with pilot projects and others jump into mission-critical programs, but they are all starting with an existing infrastructure. Adopting cloud doesn’t mean scrapping it all and […]

AWS Customers Saving Lives with Mobile and IoT Technology

Technological innovation can often save lives or enable rapid intervention in situations where lives are threatened. From responding to gun shots  informing and mobilizing responders on school campuses, to fighting child trafficking, organizations have been able to move rapidly to address pressing societal problems. The AWS Cloud has allowed teams to be agile and focus […]

Sensitive Data can be Shared Across Organizations While Supporting Compliance with Privacy Laws

In the social service and public health sectors, providers rely on data collected by many different institutions to provide the best care to their clients.  But data management and analysis can cause challenges for the social service and public health sectors. In order to take an integrated approach, case workers must have the capacity to […]

Election Day: Examples of how the Cloud Scales to Meet Election Demand

Are you getting out to vote today? At AWS, we have supported election and voting-related projects with cloud computing services to scale for the influx of traffic these websites receive during the election period.  If you register to vote, donate to a candidate, look up information on where and how to vote, or carpool to […]

From passion to scale: Bringing people to the polls with the Carpool2Vote app

With the countdown to the election in full force, modern politics has combined with technology to help shape the social landscape with Carpool2Vote. The non-partisan app seeks to empower women voters and increase voter turnout by connecting voters needing a ride to the polls. What started as an experiential learning project for Nicole Wild Merl […]

AWS Public Sector Month in Review – October

  The AWS Public Sector Month in Review below features the content published for the education, government, and nonprofit communities in October. Let’s take a look at what happened in October: All – Government, Education, & Nonprofits Whiteboard with an SA: AWS Direct Connect Ohio Region Launch Accelerating Sustainability, Economy, and Citizen Services Busting the […]

Ohio Region Launch Accelerating Sustainability, Economy, and Citizen Services

AWS announced the launch of a new region in Ohio, bringing technology opportunities, sustainability efforts, and a new way to meet compliance and data residency requirements to public sector customers. At AWS, our customers’ requirements and feedback help us make key decisions when building new regions. The launch of a region in Ohio will allow […]