AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Amazon Comprehend Medical

Patient-centered health: How AWS helps patients take control of their own health data

Imagine: Transforming the patient and caregiver experience by streamlining health providers and administrative staff interactions and calculating risk score and clinical decision support systems to offer clinicians actionable insights at the point of care. Establishing healthcare data interoperability interfaces, like Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR), can help empower patients and improve their care.

Amazon Comprehend Medical icon

Improving patient care in Canada with Amazon Comprehend Medical

Amazon Comprehend Medical is a natural language processing (NLP) service that simplifies the use of machine learning (ML) to extract relevant medical information from unstructured text often found in clinical charts or doctor’s notes. Since the service launched in the AWS Canada (Central) Region in June 2019, it opened up possibilities for Canadian healthcare organizations to better serve patients. Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and University of British Columbia (UBC) researchers are among the organizations who leverage Amazon Comprehend Medical and Amazon SageMaker, to create their own machine learning models that can triage x-rays to provide a better healthcare experience.