AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Amazon S3

Securing your data by knowing your data

In many organisations, IT security and data governance processes can be complex since data is stored across multiple environments and applications. Data privacy, including data classification, is now a core component of security requirements. Organisations need an easier and more pragmatic approach in administering their data assets to mitigate operational risk.

From data silos to data domains – Bringing common data together

Although more customers every day are using AWS to build, run and gain insights from data lakes, the journey to a data lake for many organizations can be one of uncertainty, and a path that may even seem too difficult to attempt. In this blog, we will discuss the challenges organizations can face with siloed data and how data from disparate systems can be brought together using data domains.

How to Bring Your PACS Solution to AWS

Healthcare providers suffer from having to purchase hardware, storage, and licenses, and then renewing all of that when they become deprecated. They have to think ahead how much they plan to grow and then make large purchases considering that growth, which may turn out to be over or under estimated. Effort is spent on matters that are not core to the healthcare business. One of the main solutions for patient’s care is the PACs (Picture Archiving and Communication System). This solution is responsible for storing, retrieving, presenting, and sharing medical images, like X-Rays, CT scans, MRIs, and Ultrasounds. Durability, availability, and lowering expenditures are top priorities for companies hosting PACs solutions.

Helping to End Future Famines with Machine Learning

The United Nations, World Bank, and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with support from Amazon Web Services and other technology companies, recently launched the Famine Action Mechanism (FAM). The FAM is the first global mechanism dedicated to preventing future famines. In the past, responses to these devastating events have often come too late, once many lives have already been lost.

Age UK Scales to Connect with 7 Million People Each Year

Age UK is the UK’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They have the vision to make the UK a great place to grow older and they work every day to achieve this by providing companionship, advice, and support for older people who need it most. Scalability, cost savings, and security are key in delivering Age UK’s services to more than 7 million people every year. In 2012, Age UK turned to AWS to help revamp their technology to better support the older generation in the UK.

Develop and extract value from open data

In this blog post, we explore a use case for government organizations using the OpenStreetMap (OSM) dataset, a free, editable map of the world, created and maintained by volunteers and available for use with an open license. Using open source tools, we generate and render custom maps for a government’s digital property. By leveraging Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, and multi-tiered architectures, map tiles server can run in an efficient and highly available infrastructure.

Using a serverless architecture to collect and prioritize citizen feedback

Just as companies listen to their customers to align the business with their client needs, government organizations listen to their citizens to improve the citizen experience. In order to get feedback, many organizations use different tools with a multi-channel approach, such as customer comments, Helpdesk calls, emails, social media, or mobile apps. Using Amazon Simple […]

From Bytes to Classrooms: How Technology and Data are Transforming Brazil’s Public Education

The educational problem in Brazil is the size of the country: enormous. Only 14% of students learn what they are supposed to learn in mathematics and only 30% in Portuguese by the end of middle school (ninth year). That means that only a small percentage of students exit middle school able to read the news […]