AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: research

The Birds in the Cloud: How the University of Oklahoma Uses NEXRAD Data to Study Birds

The Next Generation Weather Radar Network (NEXRAD) is familiar to most of us as a backdrop for the weather report on the local TV news, but this radar array does more than track weather. During the spring and fall, NEXRAD detects vast “clouds” of migrating birds. This phenomenon is often an annoyance to meteorologists, but […]

High Performance Cloud Computing Supports Disease Prevention

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, the oldest medical research institute in Australia, undertakes research across a range of areas including breast, ovarian, and blood cancers, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, coeliac disease, and malaria. More than 60 clinical trials based on discoveries made at the institute are underway. These include trials […]

Cloud-Enabled Innovation in Personalized Medical Treatment

Hundreds of thousands of organizations around the world have joined AWS and many are using AWS solutions powered by Intel to build their businesses, scale their operations, and harness their technological innovations. We’re excited about our work with the hospitals and research institutions using bioinformatics to achieve major healthcare breakthroughs and unlock the mysteries of […]

Time to Science, Time to Results: Transforming Research in the Cloud

Scientists, developers, and many other technologists are taking advantage of AWS to perform big data analytics and meet the challenges of the increasing volume, variety, and velocity of digital information.  We sat down with Angel Pizarro, member of the Scientific Computing team at AWS, to talk about how the cloud is transforming genomic research. Prior […]

AWS Offers Data Egress Discount to Researchers

This is an outdated announcement. Please view the latest information about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Global Data Egress Waiver (GDEW) program here. AWS Makes Cloud and HPC Budgeting More Predictable for Scientists The pace of research is no longer limited by the availability of computing resources. Researchers are beginning to rely on cloud computing to drive […]

NREL and AWS Bring Energy Data to Analysts and Researchers

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), based in Golden, Colorado, is the U.S. Department of Energy’s primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy-efficiency research and development. They are a true cloud visionary making an impact across renewable energy and energy efficiency research by bringing energy data access to the forefront. Sharing information and fostering […]

Resilience Data Analytics Tool and the Cloud Help Humans Survive and Thrive

On the topic of resilience—the ability to withstand, respond and adjust to chronic or acute stressors— there are a lot of data sets out there on social ecological systems, human environment, stressors, shocks, natural disasters, and conflict. The challenge is these data sets are often stored in silos or confined to the academic community. However, […]

Landsat on AWS: Half a Year, Half a Billion Requests

A few weeks ago, we had the chance to attend the world’s largest gathering of earth scientists at the American Geophysical Union’s Fall Earth Sciences Conference. More and more, research in the areas of climate change, agricultural resilience and space exploration rely on access to computing resources in the cloud. Because the cloud makes it […]