AWS Security Blog

Category: Foundational (100)

AWS attained MTCS Level 3 certification under the new SS584:2020 standard

We’re excited to announce the completion of the Multi-Tier Cloud Security (MTCS) Level 3 certification under the new SS584:2020 standard in November 2021 for three Amazon Web Services (AWS) Regions: Singapore, Korea, and United States, excluding AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. The new standard, released in October 2020, includes more stringent controls for greater assurance as […]

PCI Council

2021 PCI 3DS report now available

We are excited to announce that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has released the latest 2021 PCI 3-D Secure (3DS) attestation to support our customers implementing EMV® 3-D Secure services on AWS. Although AWS doesn’t directly perform the functions of 3DS Server (3DSS), 3DS Directory Server (DS), or 3DS Access Control Server (ACS), AWS customers can […]

Fall 2021 SOC reports now available with 141 services in scope

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we’re committed to providing our customers with continued assurance over the security, availability and confidentiality of the AWS control environment. We’re proud to deliver the System and Organizational (SOC) 1, 2, and 3 reports to enable our AWS customers to maintain confidence in AWS services. For the Fall 2021 SOC […]

Fall 2021 SOC 2 Type I Privacy report now available

Your privacy considerations are at the core of our compliance work, and at Amazon Web Services (AWS), we are focused on the protection of your content while using AWS services. Our Fall 2021 SOC 2 Type I Privacy report is now available, demonstrating the privacy compliance commitments we made to you. The Fall 2021 SOC […]

AWS achieves GSMA Security Certification for Europe (Paris) Region

We continue to expand the scope of our assurance programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and are pleased to announce that our Europe (Paris) Region is now certified by the GSM Association (GSMA) under its Security Accreditation Scheme Subscription Management (SAS-SM) with scope Data Center Operations and Management (DCOM). This is an addition to our […]

The Five Ws episode 2: Data Classification whitepaper

AWS whitepapers are a great way to expand your knowledge of the cloud. Authored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the AWS community, they provide in-depth content that often addresses specific customer situations. We’re featuring some of our whitepapers in a new video series, The Five Ws. These short videos outline the who, what, when, […]

Three ways to improve your cybersecurity awareness program

Raising the bar on cybersecurity starts with education. That’s why we announced in August that Amazon is making its internal Cybersecurity Awareness Training Program available to businesses and individuals for free starting this month. This is the same annual training we provide our employees to help them better understand and anticipate potential cybersecurity risks. The […]

New AWS workbook for New Zealand financial services customers

We are pleased to announce a new AWS workbook designed to help New Zealand financial services customers align with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Guidance on Cyber Resilience. The RBNZ Guidance on Cyber Resilience sets out the RBNZ expectations for its regulated entities regarding cyber resilience, and aims to raise awareness and promote […]