AWS Security Blog
How to integrate third-party IdP using developer authenticated identities
Amazon Cognito identity pools enable you to create and manage unique identifiers for your users and provide temporary, limited-privilege credentials to your application to access AWS resources. Currently, there are several out of the box external identity providers (IdPs) to integrate with Amazon Cognito identity pools, including Facebook, Google, and Apple. If your application’s primary users use another social media network such as Snapchat and you would like to make it easier for them to authenticate with your application, you would need to use developer authenticated identities and interface with their third-party IdP. This blog post will describe what is needed from the third-party IdP, how to build a scalable backend for authentication, and how to access AWS services from the client.
As an example, this post will use Snapchat’s Login Kit to integrate with Amazon Cognito. The overall authentication flow for the integration is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Overall authentication flow of integration
The following are the prerequisites for integrating third-party IdP using developer authenticated identities.
- The client SDK to authenticate with third-party IdP. This will handle client authentication and access token retrieval. In the example in this post, we use Snapchat’s Login Kit.
- A method to authenticate access tokens that are retrieved from the third-party IdP. For this blog post, I am using an endpoint provided by Snapchat which will retrieve user data by passing in access tokens. A successful query of user data indicates the access token is valid.
- Developer authenticated identities (identity pool) configured in Amazon Cognito. You will need to note the identity pool ID and the developer provider name you specify.
Client SDK
Follow the third-party client SDK instructions for implementing authentication in your application. Snapchat’s Login Kit provides an SDK to mount a login button in your app, and to allow you to authenticate against your Snapchat account credentials. After a user clicks on the login button, they will be redirected to Snapchat to login. After successfully logging in, they will be redirected back to your application with an access token. The handleResponseCallback is where you can implement an API call to your developer backend, to pass your access token to retrieve credentials from Amazon Cognito to access AWS services. The following code example mounts a login button on your application, to allow the user to authenticate with Snapchat and retrieve an access token.
Developer backend
The developer backend is responsible for authenticating access tokens from the third-party IdP and exchanging them for an OpenID Connect token that can be used to access AWS services. For this example, you will use Amazon API Gateway with AWS Lambda with the IAM permissions to call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.
The following is a code example to authenticate access tokens with Snapchat.
After successful authentication, next you call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity with the identity pool ID and logins map. The logins map has a mapping of the developer provider name to an external ID from the IdP. An OpenID Connect token and the Amazon Cognito identifier (identity ID) will be returned from the call, which can be sent to the application. The identity ID and token can be used to access AWS services. The following is a code example to retrieve AWS credentials after authenticating with Snapchat.
The following are considerations about Amazon Cognito identity pools that you should keep in mind when building your solution.
- The identity ID returned by getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity is mapped to the external ID provided in the logins map. This mapping is stored in Amazon Cognito. You can then use the identity ID to identify who is calling AWS services, which is especially useful for auditing purposes.
- This solution is suitable for multi-regional deployments. All that is required is that you copy the identity pool to another AWS Region. Please note that the identity ID will be different in each Region, but that should not affect functionality.
By using developer authenticated identities, you can integrate your application with Amazon Cognito and a third-party IdP with the proper prerequisites. For more examples of using developer authenticated identities, see Developer Authenticated Identities (Identity Pools) in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below or start a new thread on one of our forums.
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