AWS Security Blog

Tag: OAuth

Building fine-grained authorization using Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and IAM

September 8, 2023: It’s important to know that if you activate user sign-up in your user pool, anyone on the internet can sign up for an account and sign in to your apps. Don’t enable self-registration in your user pool unless you want to open your app to allow users to sign up. June 5, […]

Use AWS Lambda authorizers with a third-party identity provider to secure Amazon API Gateway REST APIs

February 24, 2021: We updated this post to fix a typo in the IAM policy in the “Building a Lambda authorizer” section. Note: This post focuses on Amazon API Gateway REST APIs used with OAuth 2.0 and custom AWS Lambda authorizers. API Gateway also offers HTTP APIs, which provide native OAuth 2.0 features. For more […]

How to access secrets across AWS accounts by attaching resource-based policies

October 29, 2021: AWS KMS is replacing the term customer master key (CMK) with AWS KMS key and KMS key. The concept has not changed. To prevent breaking changes, AWS KMS is keeping some variations of this term. More info. You can use AWS Secrets Manager to rotate, manage, and retrieve secrets such as database […]