AWS Security Blog

Tag: X.509

How to use ACM Private CA for enabling mTLS in AWS App Mesh

Securing east-west traffic in service meshes, such as AWS App Mesh, by using mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) adds an additional layer of defense beyond perimeter control. mTLS adds bidirectional peer-to-peer authentication on top of the one-way authentication in normal TLS. This is done by adding a client-side certificate during the TLS handshake, through which […]

How to Eliminate the Need for Hardcoded AWS Credentials in Devices by Using the AWS IoT Credentials Provider

January 12, 2023: This post was updated to remove some instructions that are no longer needed on recent versions of Mac OSX and when run would result in an error. August 31, 2021: AWS IoT Core Credential Provider enables customers to request temporary, limited-privilege security tokens that are valid up to 12 hours and use […]