AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Bringing the Beauty Industry into the Digital Age with Slick Co-Founder Matt Millar

The ability to easily make reservations online for goods and services may seem ubiquitous, but many industries have not yet found the technology to match their needs. When Matt Millar and his colleagues found that 70% of the beauty industry was still running on pen and paper, he and his partners founded Slick, a salon management platform that helps hair and beauty professionals book appointments, manage calendars, and save money.

An Ocean of Data: Talking With Datameer’s Claudine Lagerholm

Oceans are made for exploration. That seems to be the subtext of the evocatively named Datameer, which uses Meer, the German word for ocean, to position itself in juxtaposition with data lakes. The name Datameer hints at the immensity and power of data, which shapes lives today in much the same way that ocean currents shaped those in previous centuries. It also hints at the sheer inscrutability of data. For most people, being presented with raw data and asked to interpret it is as bewildering as being presented with a view of a flat sea and told to list statistics about local fish populations. That’s where Datameer comes in.

Studio71 Leverages AI and Machine Learning to Navigate Influencer Marketing

It’s an understatement to say that the influencer marketing space is highly complex. New influencers, new types of content, and new ways to post and promote said content seem to pop up daily. Studio71, the LA-based digital network I joined seven years ago, has always been a great partner for brands to help them navigate the influencer marketing space.

Neura Puts Mobile Apps on Notice

Have you ever experienced notification fatigue? That’s the industry term for when your mobile apps prompt you to act so often that the notifications themselves become a burden, rather than a helpful reminder. Neura aims to change that.

Fraugster Separates Credit-Card Fraudsters From Mere Frequent Fliers

We live in a golden age of travel, a time when it’s never been easier (or cheaper) to book a flight to a far-flung locale. It seems everyone is either planning a trip, on vacation, or sharing enviable photos from their latest jaunt. But according to Luke Shaughnessy, the operations manager of Fraugster, an anti-fraud startup, our credits cards haven’t been keeping pace.