AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Blue Hexagon Cybersecurity Fights Fire With Fire Using Deep Learning

Business technology may be growing increasingly complex, but when it comes to cybersecurity, it remains a game of cat and mouse. Hackers and cyber criminals are currently creating malware at an unprecedented level to infiltrate websites around the world, disrupt business, steal company secrets, shut down sites, and take customers’ information. In 2017 alone, over 120 million new malware samples were detected. And even if your business deploys state-of-the-art signature-based detection systems and malware sandboxing, it can quickly get overwhelmed by a daily deluge of new threats. Sunnyvale, Calif-based Blue Hexagon, however, thinks it’s cracked the problem.  

Deliveroo Leverages AWS to Quickly Ship New Products

From PR to production, the Deliveroo Application Platform needs to get developers’ code into running containers as quickly and safely as possible. Check out the above talk from re:Invent 2018 to hear from Ben Cordero, Senior Software Engineer at Deliveroo, about his team’s process for safely shipping software with support for automatic rollbacks, service scaling and configuration management.

How Coinbase Builds Its Blockchain Infrastructure

Coinbase is a marketplace to buy and sell digital currency. It’s one of the best-known portals for anyone hoping to approach the crypto-currency market, because it’s the “easiest and most trusted place to buy, sell, and manage your digital currency,” according to Jack Kearney, a software engineer at Coinbase working on infrastructure and security.