AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Machine Learning on Limit Order Book Data for Learning and Compliance

There are two key types of market participants; those who are trying to make money from the markets and those who are assigned to police those trying to make money. Examples of the former type include investment banks, hedge funds and asset managers, while examples of the latter includes in-house compliance, financial regulators and exchange surveillance teams.

ThetaLake Portal w-Co-Founder

Theta Lake on Modern Communication Compliance Conundrums

For the average person, the idea of compliance and regulation technology doesn’t elicit much enthusiasm. But for Devin Redmond and Rich Sutton, co-founders of the RegTech startup Theta Lake, the concept is downright sexy—especially as startups and enterprises alike have increased spending on compliance following the last financial meltdown.

How to Navigate A Term Sheet

At the most basic level, a term sheet is a non-binding contract. It’s a short document, anywhere from 1-10 pages, that has a handful of terms outlining what will happen in an investment. If a deal goes through, lawyers will take the term sheet and turn it into hundreds of pages of legal documentation. 

Andre Haddad CEO of Turo at Collision 2018

Turo’s Peer-to-peer Car Marketplace Isn’t Slowing Down

According to Turo CEO Andre Haddad, there are almost 300 million cars in the United States and about 1.1 billion worldwide. While those numbers seem staggering, the average car is only used 10% of the time, per Haddad. Turo looks to fill that gap, offering a marketplace where car owners can rent out their cars to other users when available.

Fridtjof Detzner, Christian Springub & Matthias Henze of Jimdo

Jimdo Can Turn Anyone into a Website Developer                                          

When Germany natives Fridtjof Detzner and Christian Springub were teenagers, they began building websites for individuals and businesses. From there, it dawned on them: Why not figure out a way for clients to update and create sites themselves, minus the next-to-impossible coding part? In 2007, Jimdo was born.

Acellere’s Vishal Rai Looks Towards the Future

In 2011, American entrepreneur, investor, and software engineer Marc Andreessen famously wrote: “Software is eating the world.” But today, according to Vishal Rai, the founder and CEO of Acellere, “Software has already eaten the world. Now bugs are eating software, and we’ve got to do something about it.”

Pipedrive Helps Users Streamline a Flood of Information

Providing for clients is imperative, but what about the problems that arise on the other side of the equation, within a company’s sales teams? With a sales force trying to not only finalize a deal, but also provide quality after-sale service for years to come, organization becomes crucial for longevity and sustained success. And that’s where Pipedrive comes in, streamlining and simplifying tasks, duties, and deadlines for sales teams in the office or around the world.