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Tag: AWS University Competition

Entrepreneurship shines in the 2022 AWS University Startup Competition

AWS Startups launched the University Startup Competition to find and support student and faculty entrepreneurs as they build and launch their ventures. The competition is in partnership with Amazon Launchpad, a program that supports entrepreneurs by providing resources, expertise, and global support to help showcase and deliver unique products to Amazon customers.

Applicants to the University Startup Competition are associated with a US-based university as an undergraduate or graduate student, faculty member, or staff member.

Now in its third year, the 2022 AWS University Startup Competition received over 1,000 applications between September and November from startups across 300+ university campuses.

Catching Up with the Winners of the 2020 AWS University Startup Competition

Last year, over 600 startups applied from 185 different U.S. universities. Applications were reviewed by representatives from the AWS Startup Business Development team, who then selected 10 teams to compete in the last round. Each startup was paired with a subject matter expert from AWS to help them polish their pitches before their final presentations. Winners received up to $20,000 in cash, up to $100,000 in AWS credits, as well as intros to AWS partners like Techstars and Dorm Room Fund.