AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Big Data

Nyansa Figure 2: Typical architecture of new it analytics SaaS solutions

With Nyansa, Big Data Network Analytics Meets the Cloud

Today’s modern corporate access network is under siege. As smart device-armed mobile users continue to multiply and access more and more media-rich cloud-based applications, IT staffs have become overwhelmed with the massive volumes of disparate data that must be analyzed and correlated to find and fix problems impacting users’ network experiences.

Duetto Research

How Duetto is modernizing the multi-billion dollar hospitality industry

The hospitality industry was once a hotbed of innovation. Back in the 1960’s, for example, the Holiday Inn developed and launched the Holidex, a first-of-its-kind centralized reservation system. In a time before the internet, this piece of technology helped set the then 15-year old company apart. But times have changed, according to Patrick Bosworth, CEO and Co-Founder of Duetto.

Machine Learning on Limit Order Book Data for Learning and Compliance

There are two key types of market participants; those who are trying to make money from the markets and those who are assigned to police those trying to make money. Examples of the former type include investment banks, hedge funds and asset managers, while examples of the latter includes in-house compliance, financial regulators and exchange surveillance teams.

Pipedrive Helps Users Streamline a Flood of Information

Providing for clients is imperative, but what about the problems that arise on the other side of the equation, within a company’s sales teams? With a sales force trying to not only finalize a deal, but also provide quality after-sale service for years to come, organization becomes crucial for longevity and sustained success. And that’s where Pipedrive comes in, streamlining and simplifying tasks, duties, and deadlines for sales teams in the office or around the world.

James Neville of

Making Data Safer: Citizen’s James Neville Talks Biometric Authentication

As our online lives expand and businesses find new and better ways to provide everyday services via the internet, it can feel like increasing amounts of our sensitive data are in the hands of companies without stellar track records of keeping that data safe. James Neville, CEO and founder of Citizen, a one-touch login and registration app, hopes to change that metric. “We were working in payments, and it struck us how loose the security was around personal data when compared to card or bank accounts,” he explains. “And it’s only gotten worse over the years.” He’s right.