AWS Startups Blog
Tag: Developer Tools
Organizations Realize Transformative Benefits with MongoDB on AWS
Guest post by Leo Zheng, Director of Product Marketing, MongoDB
Scaling to Billions of Requests a Day with AWS
Branch’s Node.js application servers were at 80% CPU, and our PostgresSQL RDS looked like it didn’t have much more room to grow. Meanwhile, traffic was doubling every couple of weeks. They had to figure out a pathway to scale quickly. Here’s what they did.
Optimizing Latency and Bandwidth for AWS Traffic
AWS Startup Spotlight:
Continuous Delivery and Effective Feature Flagging with LaunchDarkly
We saw the larger companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter) invest heavily in custom-built feature flagging infrastructure to roll features out to whom they want, when they want. Smaller companies were building and maintaining their own feature flagging infrastructure or doing without. That’s where we saw an opportunity to start up LaunchDarkly. We’re going to share how we started, issues we ran into, and how AWS helped us scale.
SafeDK: Giving Control Back to App Developers in an SDK-Fueled World
SafeDK offers an In-App Protection solution and SDK Marketplace, putting mobile app security and quality back in the hands of app developers. Here’s how they do it.
Accelerating Software Delivery on AWS
In this post, we look at some of the methods that startups take to support this customer-driven development approach and the services AWS provides to support these methods.
API Security for Modern Web Apps
When you’re building new web applications and simultaneously trying to grow your customer base, there are a lot of competing concerns you…
Postman: Building an API Collaboration Platform for Two Million Developers
AWS Startup Spotlight
Mobile Personalization for 125 Million Users on AWS
AWS Startup Spotlight
Heyzap: Getting as Close to Elastic as Possible
AWS Startup Spotlight