AWS Startups Blog

Tag: mobile

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Braze Co-Founder on How Tech Humanizes Communications

Whether it’s via phones, cars, speakers, or even watches, brands have an ever-increasing number of places to reach consumers. The catch, however, is that consumers are getting savvier—and more demanding—about how brands are engaging with them. “Customers have high expectations… that brands are going to deliver relevant, personalized, and important messages to them that add a lot of value,” says Braze co-founder and chief technology officer Jon Hyman. For the most part, consumers don’t understand—nor care—whether they are getting a discount or new product notice from a brand’s email or app team. “All they care about is: is it delivering a great product experience, is it valuable to me, is it adding value, and is it relevant to me,” he says.

Alvaro Pinto of Aptoide

Aptoide CEO Alvaro Pinto on Creating a More Social App Store Experience

Based in Lisbon, Aptoide is an alternative app store where anyone can create a channel and share what they’ve been downloading with family, friends, and followers in their social timeline. Aptoide CEO Alvaro Pinto says he co-founded the company because he wanted to create a more social app store experience, rather than settle for the algorithmic method other popular app stores use.

Starling Bank

Reinventing the Banking Model with Starling Bank

This week in AWS Startup Stories* we talked to Anne Boden, CEO and founder of Starling Bank – the new UK mobile-only current account built from scratch in the AWS Cloud. (If you are curious to learn more about their architecture, check out the latest video part of the series This is My Architecture, where […]

launch darkly AWS use case

Continuous Delivery and Effective Feature Flagging with LaunchDarkly

We saw the larger companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter) invest heavily in custom-built feature flagging infrastructure to roll features out to whom they want, when they want. Smaller companies were building and maintaining their own feature flagging infrastructure or doing without. That’s where we saw an opportunity to start up LaunchDarkly. We’re going to share how we started, issues we ran into, and how AWS helped us scale.