AWS Startups Blog

What’s happening for Startups at the AWS Summit — San Francisco?

AWS summit 2017

Whether you are a startup that’s new to the cloud or an experienced user, you will learn something new at the next AWS Summit, which is being held in San Francisco on April 18 to 19.

This free event is designed to educate you about the AWS platform and to help you develop the skills necessary to design, deploy, and operate infrastructure and applications. Amazon Chief Technology Officer Dr. Werner Vogels will be delivering the keynote and AWS CEO Andy Jassy will be hosting a fireside chat.

Startup Loft at the AWS Summit – San Francisco

For the AWS Summit – San Francisco, we have designed an experience mean to help you build and grow your startup.

  • AWS Startup Loft–We are bringing the AWS Loft to the AWS Summit–San Francisco. It’s a place where startups can meet, attend educational sessions, and get in-person answers to AWS technical questions.
  • Ask a Startup Expert—No appointment is necessary. AWS Startup customers will be onsite to answer technical questions on topics ranging from Serverless to Artificial Intelligence. AWS Solution Architects will also be there to help with any foundational questions.
  • Lightning Talks featuring Hot Startups–Join us for lightning talks to learn about cool projects startups such as Branch, CloudCoreo and Metabase are working on.

Continue your learning by attending sessions, workshops, and hands-on activities and adding them to your schedule via our mobile app! Download our app to maximize your AWS Summit experience. Find the talks listed below, build your startup schedule, reference way finding maps, and learn more about our exhibiting partners. You can also provide session feedback so we can continue to improve the Summit program. Search “AWS Summits 2017” in your app store or visit


Startup Agenda at the AWS Summit – San Francisco

Date/Time Lightning Talk/Session Speaker
4/18 – 10:30am The Philosophy of Monitoring Dmitri Gaskin, Cofounder, Branch
4/18 – 11:15am Automating security in the cloud Brent Langston, Director of Platform Architecture of CloudPassage
4/18 – 11:30am Ask a Startup Expert featuring CloudPassage

Brent Langston, Director of Platform Architecture of CloudPassage

4/18 – 11:45am Taking your Company Serverless with AWS & Track

Chris Labasky Cofounder & CFO, Track

Trent Bigelow, Cofounder & CEO, Track

Alex Cram, Cofounder & CTO, Track

4/18 – 12:00pm Ask a Startup Expert featuring Track

Chris Labasky Cofounder & CFO, Track

Trent Bigelow, Cofounder & CEO, Track

Alex Cram, Cofounder & CTO, Track

4/18 – 1:45pm Zero to Full Datacenter with Ansible Steve Salevan, Founder, SPINE
4/18 – 3:00pm Startups On Air featuring CloudCoreo Paul Allen, Founder & CTO, CloudCoreo
4/18 – 4:00pm Startups On Air featuring Metabase Sameer Al-Sakran, CEO, Metabase
4/19 – 11:15am Implementing Strategic Artificial Intelligence Using AWS

Philip West, Cofounder & Head of Product, Vidora

Abhik Majumdar, Cofounder & CTO, Vidora

4/19 – 11:30am Ask a Startup Expert featuring Vidora

Philip West, Cofounder & Head of Product, Vidora

Abhik Majumdar, Cofounder & CTO, Vidora

4/19 – 11:45am Processing satellite data at petabyte scale at Mapbox Camilla Mahon, PM, Mapbox
4/19 – 12:00pm Ask a Startup Expert Camilla Mahon, PM, Mapbox
4/19 – 12:15pm VC Fundraising 101 Ryan Kiskis, Startup BD Manager, AWS
4/19 – 12:45pm Partnering and Business Development to Grow Your Startup Jim Routh, Startup BD Manager, AWS
4/19 – 2:30pm Developing an ecosystem of software to handle your life 24/7 Nic Novak, Co-founder, Magic
4/19 – 3:30pm It’s Not Them, It’s You – Security at Scale Paul Allen, Founder & CTO, CloudCoreo
4/19 – 4:00pm Data Driven from Day 1 Sameer Al-Sakran, CEO, Metabase