AWS Storage Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

Windows home directories made easy with Amazon FSx

Managing file servers and Network Attached Storage (NAS) file systems, serving file shares and home directories, can result in significant administrative overhead and complexity. The file systems require patching and maintenance on a scheduled basis. When file systems are hosted on physical infrastructure, it can become even more time consuming and costly when scaling out […]

Online Tech Talk February 26: Accelerate data analytics with AWS file storage

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on February 26, where we cover accelerating data analytics with AWS file storage. This Tech Talk is at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET). Many customers use shared file storage to accelerate business-critical data science workflows. They may use popular tools like Python, MXNet, […]

Using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server with an on-premises Active Directory

Customers looking to move their on-premises file storage to the cloud or join to self-managed directories seek to do so with minimal disruption to their applications and workloads. For some, this means extending their existing Active Directory environment for an easy lift-and-shift without modifying their existing applications and file-level security settings. Amazon FSx for Windows […]

Online Tech Talk February 21: Getting started with Amazon S3

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on February 21, where we cover getting started with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and how Amazon S3 can help you build a foundation to scale your business. This Tech Talk is at 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM PT (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET). Amazon S3, including Amazon […]

Online Tech Talk February 18: Create an enterprise backup and restore plan with AWS

Don’t miss our AWS online Storage Tech Talk on February 18, where we cover creating an enterprise backup and restore plan with AWS. This tech talk is at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET). The exponential growth of data worldwide has made managing backups more difficult than ever before. […]

Creating and activating File Gateway on VMware

Wouldn’t it be great if your on-premises applications could use AWS Cloud Storage, without the need for any modifications? Do you want to use standard file storage protocols, such as SMB or NFS? If so, you can use File Gateway, which is part of AWS Storage Gateway. File Gateway presents SMB or NFS file shares for […]

Amazon S3

Aggregating logs with S3 Same-Region Replication

Aggregating logs to a secure dedicated location streamlines critical operations like Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). As more customers adopt a multi-account strategy, central logging becomes a key component of driving operational excellence. Considering the benefits, enterprise customers often use complex third-party tools to build their centralized log aggregation solution. With the announcement of […]

New enhancements for moving data between Amazon FSx for Lustre and Amazon S3

Introduction to Amazon FSx for Lustre Amazon FSx for Lustre is a high performance file system optimized for workloads such as machine learning, high performance computing, video processing, financial modeling, electronic design automation, and analytics. Amazon FSx works natively with Amazon S3, making it easy for you to process cloud data sets with high performance […]

Scheduling automated backups using Amazon EFS and AWS Backup

Using a shared file system is an important component for many computing infrastructures. For Linux systems, this is typically done using a network file system (NFS) and mounting it from the Linux hosts. Users can store data in their home directories and can share data with other users across the file system. Amazon Elastic File […]

Amazon EFS Featured Image

Use cases for 7-day Amazon EFS Infrequent Access

Recently, Amazon EFS announced general availability of a new policy for Lifecycle Management, which moves files into the EFS Infrequent Access storage class (EFS IA) after 7 days of not being accessed. If you’ve been following along on the Storage blog, you may already know that tens of thousands of customers are storing petabytes of […]