AWS Open Source Blog
OpenSearch 1.0 launches
In April this year, we introduced OpenSearch, a community-driven, open source search and analytics suite derived from open source Elasticsearch 7.10.2 and Kibana 7.10.2. The project consists of a search engine (OpenSearch), a visualization and user interface (OpenSearch Dashboards), and the advanced features from Open Distro for Elasticsearch (our previous distribution of Elasticsearch) such as alerting, security, anomaly detection, and more. All of the software in the project is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
We are excited to share that the OpenSearch project reached a major milestone with the launch of OpenSearch 1.0. This milestone marks the first production-ready version of OpenSearch. In addition to being production-ready, multiple new enhancements were added to the project: data streams, trace analytics span filtering, report scheduling, and more.
Since introducing OpenSearch, the team has worked in the open to bring the project to this point. We thoroughly tested the software, added test automation, build infrastructure, and made other updates to ensure that the code is suitable for production use. We also invested in backwards compatibility and upgrade functionality to make the transition to OpenSearch as simple as possible for users of open source Elasticsearch. With this work, the project will be able to move quickly with a regular release cadence that anyone can follow on the project’s public roadmap.
As we have mentioned before, developers embrace open source software for many reasons, perhaps the most important being the freedom to use that software where and how they want. We encourage anyone to use, modify, extend, embed, monetize, resell, and offer OpenSearch as part of their products and services. Broad adoption benefits the entire community.
We’d like to thank all of the people who helped make OpenSearch 1.0 possible, including: aadrien, abbashus, accat, ace03uec, aditjind, adkalavadia, adnapibar, aetter, afazel, akbhatta, alexz00, amistrn, amoo-miki, anan , ananzh, andy_leong, andy840314, anirudha, aparo, arunabh23, asfoorial, ashwinkumar12345, ashwinpankaj, astateofmind, AvianDo, awshurneyt, badbybirth, bbarani, Bhupendra, BlackMetalz, Bobpartb, boktorbb, bradlee, brandtj, bukhtawar, camerski, cehenkle, chenqi0805, chloe-zh, chrisdeeming, cjcjameson, cliu123, conan-kudo, dai-chen, dansimpson, davidcui-amzn, dbbaughe, dblock, debjanibnrj, devardee, dhiamzn, dhruvil7doshi, dirkhh, eirsep, elb3k, elfisher, erhan, erickg, fabide, flyhigh72, frotsch, Gagi, gaiksaya, GalAngel, galangel, geekygirldawn, getsaurabh02, gezimsejdiu, ginger, giu85, GoodMirek, gzurowski, hagayg, hakky54, hardik-k-shah, harmishlakhani, harold-wang, horizondave, horovits, hsiang9431-amzn, hxiao608, hyandell, igorid70, itiyamas, jainankitk, jamesiri, janhoy, jayeshathila, jcgraybill, jgough, jkeirstead, jkowall, jmazanec15, jonahcalvo, joshuali925, jotok, justme, kaituo, Katulus, kavilla, ke4qqq, keithhc2, ketanv3, kevinhwang, kgcreative, khushbr, kkhatua, krishna-ggk, kyleconroy, leeyun-amzn, lezzago, liujoycec, liz-snyder-aws, lobdelle, lopqto, lornajane, lukkoor, maheshmr, makarthikeyan1, Malini, MartiniGuy, mattsb42-aws, mattwelke, mch2, meetshah777, mengweieric, mgodwan, micrictor, mihirsoni, mkcg, mmakaria, mosajjal, nickytd, nico, nisheedh, nknize, Northern, ohltyler, opensorcerer89, oscark, otisg, palashhedau, penghuo, peternied, peterzhuamazon, piyushdaftary, platzd, praveensameneni, psychbot, qreshi, ralph, rbridle, retzkek, rguo-aws, rmuir, robcowart, rtarek, rursprung, SalvoDiMa91, sandeshkr419, santiagobassett, saratvemulapalli, seanneumann, sejli, seraphjiang, SergioFG, setiah, shamil, sharp-pixel, shdubsh, shivani, shwetathareja, siddharthlatest, skkosuri-amzn, sksamuel, soosinha, sothawo, spapadop, spbjss, spotaws, sreekarjami, sruti1312, ssgao, stockholmux, sujithvm, sunilchadha, taewooKim, tardyp, tgurr, thalurur, TheAlgo, thealgo, tiyamas, tlfeng, tmarkley, Tom1, ttx, ttx, tvc_apisani, vachashah, vamshin , vengadanathan-s, vijayanb, vrozov, weicongs-amazon, willyb, wkruse, wnbts, wqixian, wrijeff, wusheng, xuezhou25, yadavcbala, yilintao-amzn, yizheliu-amazon, ylwu-amzn, yoavwe, yu-sun-77, yujias0706, yuxitang-amzn, zengyan-amazon, zhanghg08, zhongnansu
We’d also like to give a special thanks to the many OpenSearch partners who helped make OpenSearch 1.0 possible, including: Aiven,, Bitergia, Bonsai, ElastiFlow, Eliatra, GSI Technology, Instaclustr,, Opster, SearchBlox Software, Titaniam, and Wazuh.
We are excited to have reached this milestone in the creation of OpenSearch and look forward to continuing to grow the OpenSearch community. For more information about what’s new in OpenSearch 1.0, how to get started, and what’s next, read the release blog post on Most importantly, now is the time to download and start using OpenSearch!